- J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996
- 2nd Scientific Conference of the International Global Atmospheric
Chemistry (IGAC) Project, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan, September 5-9, 1994
TRACE-A Media Coverage
- "Inpe e Nasa estudam efeitos de queimadas", Folha De
Sao Paulo(Sao Paulo), August 9, 1992.
- "Nasa estuda g s nos ares do Brasil", O Estado De
Sao Paulo(Sao Paulo), August 15, 1992.
- "Inpe e Nasa medem efeito das queimadas no cu",
Vale Paraibano(Sao Jos Dos Campos), August 28, 1992.
- "INPE inicia pesquisa sobre concentraoes de oz"nio
na regiao central do Pa¡s", Gazeta Mercantil(Sao Paulo),
September 2, 1992.
- "Nuvem t¢xica gigante sobrevao Atlntico",
Folha De Sao Paulo(Sao Paulo), September 10, 1992.
- "Falha em aviao da Nasa atrasa projeto do Inpe", Folha
De Sao Paulo(Sao Paulo), September 11, 1992.
- "Nuvem t¢xica de oz"nio sobre o mar tem tamanho do
Brasil", Jornal Do Brasil(Rio De Janeiro), September 11, 1992.
- "Maus ventos trazem Nasa ao Pa¡s", O Estado De Sao
Paulo(Sao Paulo), October 3, 1992.
- "Nasa detecta no Tocantins o maior foco de queimadas",
O Globo(Rio De Janerio), October 3, 1992.
- "Nasa e Inpe vem mancha de oz"nio e queimadas",
ValeParaibano(Sao Jos Dos Campos), October 3, 1992.
- "Aviao decola do Rio atr s de nuvem t¢xica",
Folha De Sao Paulo(Sao Paulo), October 3, 1992.
- "Nasa investiga a mancha de oz"nio sobre o Atlntico
Sul", Jornal Do Brasil(Rio De Janeiro), October 3, 1992.
- "Puzzle of mystery ozone cloud over Brazil", New
Scientist, October 10,1992.
- "All USA college academic team:Third Team", USA Today,
January 31, 1992.
TRACE-A Publications
- Anderson B.E., W. B. Grant, G. L. Gregory, E. V. Browell, J. E.
Collins, Jr., G. W. Sachse, D. R. Bagwell, C. H. Hudgins, D. R.
Blake, and N. J. Blake, Aerosols from biomass burning over the
tropical south Atlantic region: Distributions and impacts. J.
Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 24117-24138.
- Andreae, M. O. , J. Fishman, M. Garstang, J. G. Goldammer, C. O.
Justice, J. S. Levine, R. J. Scholes, B. J. Stocks, A. M. Thompson,
B. van Wilgen and the STARE/TRACE- A/SAFARI-92 Science Team, Biomass
burning in the global environment: First results from the IGAC/BIBEX
field campaign STARE/TRACE-A/SAFARI-92. Global
Atmospheric-Biospheric Chemistry, R.Prinn(ed.), Plenum Press, New
York, 1994, pp.83- 101, presented at First Scientific Conference of
IGAC, Eilat, Israel, April 18-22, 1993.
- Andreae, M. O., J. Fishman, and J. Lindesay, The Southern
Tropical Atlantic Region Experiment(STARE): Transport and
Atmospheric Chemistry near the Equator- Atlantic(TRACE-A) and
Southern African Fire-Atmosphere Research Initiative(SAFARI): An
Introduction. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996,
pp. 23519- 23520.
- Bachmeier, A.S., and H.E. Fuelberg, A meteorological overview of
the TRACE-A period. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30,
1996, pp. 23881-23888.
- Bartlett, K.B., G.W. Sachse, J.E. Collins, Jr., and R.C. Harriss,
Methane in the tropical South Atlantic: Sources and distribution
during the late dry season. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19,
October 30, 1996, pp. 24139-24150.
- Blake, N. J., D. R. Blake, J. E. Collins, Jr., G. W. Sachse, B.
E. Anderson, J. A. Brass, P. J. Riggan, and F. S. Rowland, Biomass
burning emissions of atmospheric methyl halide and hydrocarbon gases
in the south Atlantic region. Biomass Burning and Global Change, ed.
J. S. Levine, MIT Press, 1996, Vol. 2, Chap. 56, pp. 575-594.
- Blake, N. J., D. R. Blake, B. C. Sive, T. -Y. Chen, F. S.
Rowland, J. E. Collins, Jr., G. W. Sachse, and B. E. Anderson,
Biomass burning emissions and vertical distribution of atmospheric
methyl halides and other reduced carbon gases in the South Atlantic
region. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp.
- Bradshaw, J. D. and S. T. Sandholm, Airborne measurments of NO,
NO2, and NOy as related to NASA's TRACE-A field program: Final
Report, April 1, 1992-June 30, 1995, NASA CR-199253, 8 p.
- Browell E. V., M. A. Fenn, C. F. Butler, W. B. Grant, M. B.
Clayton, J. Fishman, A. S. Bachmeir, B. E. Anderson, G. L. Gregory,
H. E. Fuelberg, J. D. Bradshaw, S. T. Sandholm, D. R. Blake, B. G.
Heikes, G. W. Sachse, H. B. Singh, and R. W. Talbot, Ozone and
aerosol distributions and air mass characteristics over the South
Atlantic basin during the burning season. J. Geophys. Res., Vol.
101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 24043-24068.
- Carroll, M. A. and L. Emmons, Data archive for NOy from
observations and construction and testing of airborne instrument for
simultaneous measurments of NO, NO2, NOy, and O3-Final Report,
January 1, 1994-December 31, 1995. Univ. of Michigan, December 1995,
NASA CR-200086, 34 p.
- Chatfield, R. B., J. A. Vastano, H. B. Singh, and G. W. Sachse, A
general model of how fire emissions and chemistry produce
Africian/oceanic plumes(O3, CO, PAN, smoke) in TRACE A. J. Geophys.
Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 24279-24306.
- Collins, Jr., J.E., B.E. Anderson, G.W. Sachse, J.D.W.Barrick,
L.O. Wade, L.G. Burney, and G.F. Hill, Atmospheric fine structure
during GTE/TRACE A: Relationships between ozone, carbon monoxide,
and water vapor. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30,
1996, pp. 24307-24316.
- Cros, B., D. Nganga, A. Minga, J. Fishman, and V. Brackett, The
Distribution of tropospheric ozone at Brazzaville, Congo determined
from ozonesonde measurements. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 97, No. D12,
August 20, 1992, pp. 12,869-12,875.
- Fishman, J., Experiment probes elevated ozone levels over the
tropical south Atlantic Ocean. AGU EOS Transactions, Vol. 75, No.
33, August 16, 1994, pp. 380-381.
- Fishman, J., B. E. Anderson, E. V. Browell, G. L. Gregory, G. W.,
Sachse, V. G. Brackett, and K. M. Fakhruzzaman, The tropospheric
ozone maximum over the tropical south Atlantic Ocean: A
meteorological perspective from TRACE-A. AMS Conference on
Atmospheric Chemistry(pre-print volumn), Nashville, TN, January
23-28, 1994, pp. 253-260.
- Fishman, J., V.G. Brackett, E.V. Browell, and W.B. Grant,
Tropospheric ozone derived from TOMS/SBUV measurements during
TRACE-A. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp.
- Fishman, J., V. G. Brackett, and K. Fakhruzzaman, Distribution of
tropospheric ozone in the tropics from satellite and ozonsonde
measurements. J. Atmos. Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 54, No. 5, May,
1992, pp. 589-597.
- Fishman, J., J.M. Hoell, Jr., R.J. Bendura, R. J. McNeal, and
V.W.J.H. Kirchhoff, NASA GTE TRACE-A experiment (September-October,
1992): Overview. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30,
1996, pp. 23865-23880.
- Fuelberg, H.E., J.D. VanAusdall, E.V. Browell, and S.P. Longmore,
Meteorological conditions associated with vertical distributions of
aerosols off the west coast of Africa. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101,
No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 24105-24116.
- Fuelberg, H.E., R. O. Loring, Jr., M. V. Watson, M. C. Sinha, K.
E. Pickering, A. M. Thompson, G. W. Sachse, D. R. Blake, and M. R.
Schoeberl, TRACE-A trajectory intercomparison: 2, Isentropic and
kinematic methods. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30,
1996, pp. 23927-23939.
- Garstang, M., P. D. Tyson, E. V. Browell, and R. J. Swap,
Large-scale transports of biogenic and biomass burning products. in
Biomass Burning and Global Change, ed. by J. S. Levine, Chapter 37,
MIT Press, 1996, pp. 389-395.
- Grant, W. B., Tropical stratospheric ozone changes following the
eruption of Mount Pinatubo. in G. Fiocco, D. Fua and G. Visconti,
eds., The Mount Pinatubo Eruption Effects on the Atmosphere and
Climate, NATO ASI Series, Vol. I, No. 42, Springer- Verlag, Berlin,
1996, pp.161-175,
- Grant, W. B., E. V. Browell, J. Fishman, V. G. Brackett, R. E.
Veiga, D. Nganga, A. Minga, B. Cros, C. F. Butler, M. A. Fenn, C. S.
Long, and L. L. Stowe, Aerosol- associated changes in tropical
stratospheric ozone following the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo, J.
Geophys. Res., Vol. 99, No. D4, April 20, 1994, pp. 8197-8211.
- Grant, W. B., J., Fishman, E. V. Browell, V. G. Brackett, D.
Nganga, A. Minga, B. Cros, R. E. Veiga, C. F. Butler, M. A. Fenn,
and G. D. Nowicki, Observations of reduced ozone in the tropical
stratosphere after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. Geophys. Res.
Lett., Vol. 19, No. 11, June 2, 1992, pp. 1109-1112.
- Gregory, G.L., H.E. Fuelberg, S.P. Longmore, B.E. Anderson, J.E.
Collins, Jr. and D.R. Blake, Chemical characteristics of
tropospheric air over the tropical South Atlantic Ocean:
Relationship to trajectory history. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No.
D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23957-23972.
- Gregory, G. L. and A. D. Scott, Jr., Compendium of NASA Data Base
for the Global Tropospheric Experiment's Transport and Atmospheric
Chemistry near the Equator- Atlantic(TRACE-A). NASA Technical
Memorandum 110151, April 1995, 162 p.
- Heikes, B. G., M. Lee, D. Jacob, R. Talbot, J. D. Bradshaw, H. B.
Singh, D. R. Blake, B. E. Anderson, H. Fuelberg, and A. M. Thompson,
Ozone, hydroperoxides, oxides of nitrogen, and hydrocarbon budgets
in the marine boundary layer over the South Atlantic. J. Geophys.
Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 24221-24234.
- Jacob, D.J., B. G. Heikes, S. -M. Fan, J. A. Logan, D. L.
Mauzerall, J. D. Bradshaw, H. B. Singh, G. L. Gregory, R. W. Talbot,
D. R. Blake, and G. W. Sachse, Origin of ozone and NOx in the
tropical troposphere: A photochemical analysis of aircraft
observations over the South Atlantic basin. J. Geophys. Res., Vol.
101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 24235-24250.
- Kim, J. H., R. D. Hudson, and A. M. Thompson, A new method of
deriving time- averaged tropospheric column ozone over the tropics
using total ozone mapping spectrometer(TOMS) radiances:
Intercomparison and analysis using TRACE-A data. J. Geophys. Res.,
Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 24317-24330.
- Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H., J.R. Alves, F.R. da Silva, and J. Fishman,
Observations of ozone concentrations in the Brazilian cerrado during
the TRACE-A field expedition. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19,
October 30, 1996, pp. 24029-24042.
- Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H., and P.C. Alvala, Overview of an aircraft
expedition into the Brazilian cerrado for the observation of
atmospheric trace gases. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19,
October 30, 1996, pp. 23973-23982.
- Kirchhoff, V. W. J. H., C. A. Nobre, E. B. Pereira, E. V. A.
Marinho, A. Souza, H. G. Pavao, E. D. Freire, V. Silva, I. M. O.
Silva, J. Marques, V. Casseti, M. H. Santos, S. Guimaraes, and L. M.
Coutinho, TRACE-A Brazil: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop. Brazilian
Journal of Geophysics, Vol. 10, No. 1, July 1992, pp. 65-81.
- Krishnamurti, T. N., H. E. Fuelberg, M. C. Sinha, D. Oosterhof,
E. L. Bensman, and V. B. Kumar, The meteorological environment of
the tropospheric ozone maximum over the tropical south Atlantic
Ocean. J. Geophys. Res.,Vol. 98, No. D6, June 20, 1993, pp.
- Krishnamurti, T.N., M.C. Sinha, M. Kanamitsu, D. Oosterhof, H.
Fuelberg, R. Chatfield, D.J. Jacob, and J. Logan, Passive tracer
transport relevant to the TRACE-A experiment. J. Geophys. Res., Vol.
101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23889-23908.
- Loring, Jr., R.O., H.E. Fuelberg, J. Fishman, M. V. Watson, and
E.V. Browell, Influence of middle-latitude cyclone on tropospheric
ozone distributions during a period of TRACE A. J. Geophys. Res.,
Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23941-23956.(originally
published as Loring's M. S. thesis at Florida State University in
- Nganga, D., A. Minga, B. Cros, C. B. Biona, J. Fishman, and W.B.
Grant, The vertical distribution of ozone measured at Brazzaville,
Congo during TRACE-A. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October
30, 1996, pp. 24095-24104.
- Olson, J. R., A study of the mass transport of enhanced
continental ozone in the tropics and its impact over the remote
southern Atlantic ocean. AGU Chapman Conference, Williamsburg, VA,
March 13-17, 1995, also Chapter 18 in Biomass Burning and Global
Change, ed. J. S. Levine, MIT Press, 1996.
- Olson, J.R., J. Fishman, V.W.J.H. Kirchhoff, D. Nganga, and B.
Cros, Analysis of the distribution of ozone over the southern
Atlantic Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30,
1996, pp. 24083-24094.
- Pickering, K.E., A. M. Thompson, Y. Wang, W. -K. Tao, D. P.
McNamara, V. W. J. H. Kirchhoff, B. G. Heikes, G. W. Sachse, J. D.
Bradshaw, G. L. Gregory, and D. R. Blake, Convective transport of
biomass burning emissions over Brazil during TRACE-A. J. Geophys.
Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23993-24012.
- Pickering, K.E., A.M. Thompson, D.P. McNamara, M.R. Schoeberl,
H.E. Fuelberg, R.O. Loring, Jr., M.V. Watson, K. Fakhruzzaman, and
A.S. Bachmeier, TRACE-A trajectory intercomparison: 1, Effects of
different input analyses. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19,
October 30, 1996, pp. 23909-23926.
- Pereira, E.B., A.W. Setzer, F. Gerab, P.E. Artaxo, M.C. Pareira,
and G. Monroe, Airborne measurements of biomass burning aerosols in
Brazil related to the TRACE-A experiment. J. Geophys. Res., Vol.
101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23983-23992.
- Singh, H. B., D. Herlth, R. Kolyer, R. Chatfield, W. Viezee, L.
J. Salas, Y. Chen, J. D. Bradshaw, S. T. Sandholm, R. Talbot, G. L.
Gregory, B. E. Anderson, G. W. Sachse, E. V. Browell, A. S.
Bachmeir, D. R. Blake, B. G. Heikes, D. J. Jacob, and H. E.
Fuelberg, Impact of biomass burning emissions on the comparison of
the south Atlantic troposphere: Reactive nitrogen and ozone. J.
Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 24203-24220.
- Smyth, S, S. T. Sandholm, J. D. Bradshaw, R. W. Talbot, D. R.
Blake, N. J. Blake, F. S. Rowland, H. B. Singh, G. L. Gregory, B. E.
Anderson, G. W. Sachse, J. E. Collins, Jr., and A. S. Bachmeir, ,
Factors influencing the upper free tropospheric distribution of
reactive nitrogen over the south Atlantic during the TRACE-A
experiment. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996,
pp. 24165-24186.
- Talbot, R.W., J. D. Bradshaw, S. T. Sandholm, S. Smyth, D. R.
Blake, N. J. Blake, G. W. Sachse, J. E. Collins, Jr., B. G. Heikes,
B. E. Anderson, G. L. Gregory, H. B. Singh, B. L. Lefer, and A. S.
Bachmeir, Chemical characteristics of continental outflow over the
tropical south Atlantic Ocean from Brazil and Africa. J. Geophys.
Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 24187-24202.
- Thompson, A.M., Model evaluation of biomass burning effects on
tropical ozone and oxidizing capacity: Overview and examples from
SAFARI-92/TRACE-A. AGU Chapman Conference on Biomass Burning and
Global Change, March 13-17, 1995, Williamsburg, VA., also in
proceedings, ed. by J. Levine, MIT Press, 1996.
- Thompson, A. M., D. P. McNamara, K. E. Pickering, and R. D.
McPeters, Effect of marine stratocumulus on TOMS ozone. J. Geophys.
Res., Vol. 98, Number D12, December 20, 1993, pp.23051-23058.
- Thompson, A.M., K. E. Pickering, D. P. McNamara, M. R. Schoeberl,
R. D. Hudson, J. H. Kim, E. V. Browell, V. W. J. H. Kirchhoff, and
D. Nganga, Where did tropospheric ozone over southern Africa and the
tropical Atlantic come from in October 1992? Insights from TOMS,
GTE/TRACE-A and SAFARI 1992. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19,
October 30, 1996, pp. 24251-24278.
- Tyson, P. D., M. Garstang, R. J. Swap, E. V. Browell, R. D. Diab,
and A. M. Thompson, Transport and vertical structure of ozone and
aerosol distributions over southern Africa. in Biomass Burning and
Global Change, ed. by J. S. Levine, Chapter 39, MIT Press, 1996, pp.
- Wang, Y., W. -K. Tao, K.E. Pickering, A.M. Thompson, J. S. Kain,
R.F. Adler, J. Simpson, P.R. Keehn, and G.S. Lai, Mesoscale model
simulations of TRACE-A and Preliminary Regional Experiment for
Storm-Scale Operational and Research Meteorology convective systems
and associated tracer transport. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No.
D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 24013-24028.
- Watson, M. V., An examination of tropospheric ozone distributions
over the western Indian Ocean during TRACE-A. M. S. thesis, Florida
State University, Tallahassee, 1996, 71pp.(available from H. E.
Fuelberg, Dept. of Meteorology, Florida State University,
Tallahassee, FL 32306).
TRACE-A Presentations
- Andreae, M. O., Atmospheric impacts from biomass burning. Invited
Paper, 1st IGAC Scientific Conference, Eilat, Israel, April
- Blake, N. J., D. R. Blake, T. -Y. Chen, B. C. Sive, and F. S.
Rowland, Nonmethane hydrocarbon and halocarbon distributions in the
south Atlantic and biomass burning emissions during TRACE-A,
September and October, 1992. Paper No. A51B-9, 1994 AGU Fall
- Browell, E. V., C. F. Butler, M. A. Fenn, W. B. Grant, G. L.
Gregory, B. E. Anderson, and J. Fishman, Ozone and aerosol
measurements made over the tropical Atlantic during the TRACE-A
field experiment. 2nd Scientific Conference of the International
Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project, Poster No. p068,
Fuji-Yoshida, Japan, September 5-9, 1994.
- Chatfield, R. B.and J. A. Vastano, Three-d simulations of the
intra-and inter-continental transport of CO, ozone, and N species in
Africa and the south Atlantic during the TRACE A period: A lower
troposphere Noy anomaly. Poster No. A51B-5, 1995 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Chen, T. -Y., D. R. Blake, and F. S. Rowland, Temporal and
spatial variations of oceanic methyl iodide emissions. Paper No.
A42A-3, 1996 AGU Spring Meeting.
- Fishman, J., A. M. Thompson, and the TRACE-A Science Team,
Atmospheric chemistry of the tropical south Atlantic Ocean: Initial
results from TRACE-A. Paper No. 2.17, 2nd Scientific Conference of
the IGAC Project, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan, September 5-9, 1994.
- Holben, B., T. Eck, E. Vermote, A. Setzer, J. Reagan, Y. Kaufman,
D. Tanr and I. Slutsker, Groung based monitoring network of
aerosol emissions from biomass burning in Brazil. Paper No. 37, 1st
IGAC Scientific Conference, Eilat Israel, April 18-22,1993.
- Lee, M., B. G. Heikes, and D. J. Jacob, Hydrogen peroxide,
organic hydroperoxide, and formaldehyde enhancement from biomass
burning and its atmospheric implication. Paper No. A12E-8, 1995 AGU
Fall Meeting.
- Mauzerall, D. L., J. Logan, D. Jacob, B. E. Anderson, G. W.
Sachse, J. Fishman, D. R. Blake, J. D. Bradshaw, B. G. Heikes, H. B.
Singh, and R. W. Talbot, Photochemistry in biomass burning plumes
and implications for tropospheric ozone over the tropical south
Atlantic. Poster No. A31B-6, 1996 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Pickering, K. E., A. M. Thompson, W. -K. Tao, and members of the
TRACE-A Science Team, Simulation of convective transport of biomass
burning emissions over Brazil during TRACE-A: Effects on
tropospheric O3 production. 2nd Scientific Conference of the
International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project, Poster
No. p069, Fuji- Yoshida, Japan, September 5-9, 1994.
- Pickering, K. E., A. M. Thompson, Y. Wang, W. -K. Tao, D. P.
McNamara, G. W. Sachse, G. L. Gregory, V. Kirchhoff, J. D. Bradshaw,
and D. R. Blake, Convective Transport of biomass burning emissions
over Brazil during TRACE-A: Simulation of effects on downstream
tropospheric O3 production. Paper No. A51A-9, 1995 AGU Spring
- Pickering, K. E., A. M. Thompson, D. P. McNamara, M. R.
Schoeberl, K. Fahkruzzaman, H. F. Fuelberg, R. O. Loring, Jr., and
M. C. Sinha, An examination of factors contributing to trajectory
uncertainty over the south Atlantic. Paper No. A31B-3, 1994 AGU
Spring Meeting.
- Thakur, A. N. and H. B. Singh, Reactive nitrogen distribution in
the troposphere and lower stratosphere. Poster A31B-12, 1996 AGU
Fall Meeting.
- Thompson, A. M., D. P. McNamara, R. D. Hudson, and J. Kim,
Tropospheric ozone in southern Africa during TRACE-A and SAFARI
1992. AMS Annual Meeting, January 1994.
- Thompson, A. M., D. P. McNamara, K. E. Pickering, R. D. Hudson,
and members of the TRACXE-A and SAFARI Science Teams, Ozone over
southern Africa and the Atlantic during the 1992 IGAC / STARE /
SAFARI / TRACE-A missions. Paper No. 2.16, 2nd Scientific Conference
of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project,
Fuji-Yoshida, Japan, September 5-9, 1994.
- Thompson, A. M., K. E. Pickering, D. P. McNamara, and M. R.
Schoeberl, and the TRACE-A Science Team, What is the origin of the
austral spring tropospheric ozone maximum in the south Atlantic
basin? Answers from GTE/TRACE A. Paper No. A51A- 8, 1995 AGU Spring
- Thompson, A. M., K. E. Pickering, D. P. McNamara, M. R.
Schoeberl, and the TRACE- A Science Team, The south Atlantic
tropospheric ozone maximum: Insights from a GTE mission to assess a
tropospheric chemical problem, AEAP Meeting, Virginia Beach, VA,
April 1995.
Return to TRACE Publications
Return to GTE Publications Contents.
Return to the GTE Field Missions.
- J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996.
SAFARI-92 Special Presentations
- 1993 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 6-10, 1993.
SAFARI-92 Publications
- Andreae, M. O., E. Atlas, H. Cachier, W. R. Cofer, III, G. W.
Harris, G. Helas, R. Koppmann, J. -P. Lacaux, and D. E. Ward, Trace
gas and aerosol emissions from savanna fires. in Biomass Burning and
Global Change, ed. by J. S Levine, Chapter 27, MIT Press, 1996, pp.
- Andreae, M. O., E. Atlas, G. W. Harris, G. Helas, A. de Kock, R.
Koppmann, W. Maenhaut, S. Mano, W. H. Pollock, J. Rudolph, D.
Scharffe, G. Schebeske, and M. Welling, Methyl halide emissions from
savanna fires in southern Africa. J. Geophys. Res.,Vol. 101, No.
D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,603-23,613.
- Andreae, M. O., J. Fishman, and J. Lindesay, The Southern
Tropical Atlantic Region Experiment (STARE): Transport and
Atmospheric Chemistry near the Equator-Atlantic (TRACE A) and
Southern African Fire-Atmosphere Research Initiative (SAFARI): An
introduction. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996,
pp. 23,519-23,520.
- Baldy, S., G. Ancellet, M. Bessafi, A. Badr, and D. Lan Sun Luk,
Field observations of the vertical distributrion of tropospheric
ozone at the island of Reunion (southern tropics). J. Geophys. Res.,
Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,835-23,849.
- Brimelow, J. C. and J. van Heerden, Surface temperature and wind
fields over the Skeleton Coast (Namibia) and adjacent interior
during SAFARI-92. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30,
1996, pp. 23,767-23,775.
- Cachier, H., C. Liousse, M. -H. Pertuisot, A. Gaudichet, F.
Echalar, and J. -P. Lacaux, African fire particulate emissions and
atmospheric influence, in Biomass Burning and Global Change, ed. by
J. S. Levine, Chapter 41, MIT Press, 1996, pp. 428-440.
- Cofer, W. R. III, J. S. Levine, E. L. Winstead, D. R. Cahoon, D.
I. Sebacher, J. P. Pinto, and B. J. Stocks, Source compositions of
trace gases released during African savanna fires. J. Geophys. Res.,
Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,597-23,602.
- Diab, R. D., A. M. Thompson, M. Zunckel, G. J. R. Coetzee, J. B.
Combrink, G. E. Bodeker, J. Fishman, F. Sokolic, D. P. McNamara, C.
B. Archer, and D. Nganga, Vertical ozone distribution over southern
Africa and adjacent oceans during SAFARI-92. J. Geophys. Res., Vol.
101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,823-23,833.
- Diab, R. D., M. R. Jury, J. Combrink, and F. Sokolic, A
comparison of anticyclone and trough influences on the vertical
distribution of ozone and meteorological conditions during
SAFARI-92. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996,
pp. 23,809- 23,821.
- Diab, R. D., A. M. Thompson, M. Zunckel, G. J. R. Coetzee, J.
Combink, G. E. Bodeker, J. Fishman, F. Sokolic, D. P. McNamara, C.
B. Archer, and D. Nganga, Vertical ozone distribution over southern
Africa and adjacent oceans during SAFARI-92. J. Geophys. Res., Vol.
101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,823-23,833.
- Garstang, M., P. D. Tyson, R. Swap, M. Edwards, P. Kallberg, and
J. A. Lindesay, Horizontal and vertical transport of air over
southern Africa. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30,
1996, pp. 23,721-23,736.
- Hao, W. M., D. E. Ward, G. Olbu, and S. P. Baker, Emissions of
CO2, CO, and hydrocarbons from fires in diverse African savanna
ecosystems. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996,
pp. 23,577-23,584.
- Harris, G. W., F. G. Wienhold, and T. Zenker, Airborne
observations of strong biogenic Nox emissions from the Namibian
savanna at the end of the dry season. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101,
No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,707-23,711.
- Held, G., Wind and temperature profiles in the boundary layer
above the Kruger National Park during SAFARI-92. J. Geophys. Res.,
Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,737-23,743.
- Jury, M. R., E. Burnke, and M. Schormann, Aircraft section
measurements of meteorology and ozone in northern Namibia during
SAFARI-92. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996,
pp. 23,713-23,720.
- Justice, C. O., J. D. Kendall, P. R. Dowty, R. J. Scholes,
Satellite remote sensing of fires during the SAFARI campaign using
NOAA advanced very high resolution radiometer data. J. Geophys.
Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,851-23,863.
- Koppmann, R., A. Khedim, J. Randolph, G. Helas, M. Welling, and
T. Zenker, Airborne measurments of organic trace gases from savanna
fires in southern Africa during SAFARI- 92. in Biomass Burning and
Global Change, ed. by J. S. Levine, Chapter 29, MIT Press, 1996, pp.
- Kuhlbusch, T. A. J., M. O. Andreae, H. Cachier, J. G. Goldammer,
J.-P. Lacaux, R. Shea, and P. J. Cruzen, Black carbon formation by
savanna fires: Measurements and implications for the global carbon
cycle. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp.
- Lacaux, J. P., R. Delmas, C. Jambert, and T. A. J. Kuhlbush, Nox
emissions from African savanna fires. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101,
No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,585- 23,595.
- Le Canut, P., M. O. Andreae, G. W. Harris, F. G. Wienhold, and T.
Zenker, Airborne studies of emissions from savanna fires in southern
Africa, 1, Aerosol emissions measured with a laser optical particle
counter. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp.
- LeCanut, P., M. O. Andreae, G. W. Harris, F. G. Weinhold, and T.
Zenker, Aerosol optical properties over southern Africa during
SAFARI-92. in Biomass Burning and Global Change, ed. by J. S.
Levine, Chapter 42, MIT Press, 1996, pp. 441-459.
- Lelieveld, L., P. J. Crutzen, D. Jacob, and A. M. Thompson,
Modeling of biomass burning influences on tropospheric ozone. in
Fire in Southern African Savanna: Ecological and Atmospheric
Perspectives, ed. B. Van Wilgen, M. O. Andreae, J. G. Goldammer, and
J. Lindesay, Univ. of Witwatersrand Press, (in press), 1997.
- Levine, J. S., W. R. Cofer, III, D. R. Cahoon, E. L. Winstead, D.
I. Sebacher, M. C. Scholes, D. A. B. Parsons, and R. J. Scholes,
Biomass burning, biogenic soil emissions, and the global nitrogen
budget. in Biomass Burning and Global Change, ed. by J. S. Levine,
Chapter 35, MIT Press, 1996, pp. 370-380.
- Levine, J. S., E. L. Winstead, D. A. B. Parsons, M. C. Scholes,
R. J. Scholes, W. R. Cofer, III, D. R. Cahoon, Jr., and D. I.
Sebacher, Biogenic soil emissions of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous
oxide (N2O) from savannas in South Africa: The impact of wetting and
burning. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp.
- Lindesay, J. A., Biomass burning as a factor in atmospheric
chemistry and terrestrial ecology: An introduction to the
IGAC-STARE- Southern African Fire-Atmosphere Research
Initiative(SAFARI). South African Journal of Science, Vol. 88, No.
3, 1992, pp. 143-144.
- Lindesay, J. A., M. O. Andreae, J. G. Goldammer, G. Harris, H. J.
Annegarn,M. Garstang, R. J. Scholes, and B. W. van Wilgen,
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme/International Global
Atmospheric Chemistry SAFARI-92 field experiment: Background and
overview. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp.
- Maenhaut, W., I. Salma, J. Cafmeyer, H. J. Annegarn, and M. O.
Andreae, Regional atmospheric aerosol composition and sources in the
eastern Transvaal, South Africa, and impact of biomass burning. J.
Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp.
- Parsons, D. A. B., M. C. Scholes, R. J. Scholes, and J. S.
Levine, Biogenic NO emissions from savanna soils as a function of
fire regime, soil type, soil nitrogen and water status. J. Geophys.
Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,683-23,688.
- Scholes, R. J., K. Kendall, and C. O. Justice, The quantity of
biomass burned in southern Africa. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No.
D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,667-23,676.
- Scholes, R. J., D. E. Ward, and C. O. Justice, Emissions of trace
gases and aerosol particles due to vegetation burning in southern
hemisphere Africa. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30,
1996, pp. 23,677-23,682.
- Shea, R. W., B. W. Shea, J. B. Kauffman, D. E. Ward, C. I.
Haskins, and M C. Scholes, Fuel biomass and combustion factors
associated with fires in savanna ecosystems of South Africa and
Zambia. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp.
23,551- 23,568.
- Stocks, B. J., B. W. van Wilgen, W. S. W. Trollope, D. L. McRae,
J. A. Mason, F. Weirich and A. L. F. Potgieter, Fuels and fire
behavior dynamics on large-scale savanna fires in Kruger National
Park, South Africa. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30,
1996, pp. 23,541-23,550.
- Swap, R. W., A. M. Thompson, P. D'Abreton, M. Garstang, R. W.
Talbot, and S. A. Macko, Multiple sources of southern African ozone
in the lower troposphere during SAFARI-92. Geophys. Res. Ltrs.,
(submitted), 1996.
- Swap, R. J., M. Garstang, S. A. Macko, P. D. Tyson, and P. Kllberg,
Comparison of biomass burning emissions and biogenic emissions to
the tropical south Atlantic, in Biomass Burning and Global Change,
ed. by J. S. Levine, Chapter 38, MIT Press, 1996, pp. 396-402.
- Swap, R., M. Garstang, S. K. Macko, P. D. Tyson, W. Maenhaut, P.
Artaxo, P. Kallberg, and R. Talbot, The long-range transport of
southern African aerosols to the tropical South Atlantic. J.
Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp.
- Thompson, A. M., Biomass burning and the environment:
Accomplishments and research opportunities. Atmos. Environ., Vol.
30, No. 19, October 1996, pp. i-ii.
- Thompson, A. M., R. D. Diab, G. E. Bodeker, M. Zunckel, G. J. R.
Coetzee, C. B. Archer, D. P. McNamara, K. E. Pickering, J. Combrink,
J. Fishman, and D. Nganga, Ozone over southern Africa during
SAFARI-92/TRACE A. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30,
1996, pp. 23,793-23,807.
- Thompson, A. M.,W. -K. Tao, K. E. Pickering, J. R. Scala, and J.
Simpson, Tropical deep convection and ozone formation. Bull. Amer.
Met. Soc., (in press), 1997.
- Thompson, A. M., Evaluation of biomass burning effects on ozone
during SAFARI/TRACE-A: Examples from process models. in Biomass
Burning and Global Change, ed. J. Levine, MIT Press, 1996.
- Thompson, A. M., R. D. Diab, G. E. Bodeker, M. Zunckel, G.
Coetzee, C. B. Archer, D. P. McNamara, K. E. Pickering, J. B.
Combrink, J. Fishman, and D. Nganga, Ozone over southern Africa
during SAFARI-92/TRACE-A. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19,
October 30, 1996, pp. 23793-23807.
- Thompson, A. M., D. P. McNamara, R. J. Swap, J. Combrink, and R.
D. Diab, Sources of tropospheric ozone in southern Africa during
SAFARI/TRACE A: Intra-and inter- continental transport. J. Geophys.
Res., (submitted), 1996.
- Thompson, A. M., T. Zenker, G. Bodeker, and D. P. McNamara, Ozone
over southern Africa: Patterns and Influences. in Fire in Southern
African Savana: Ecological and Atmospheric Perspectives, ed. B. Van
Wilgen, M. O. Andreae, J. G. Goldammer and J. A. Lindesay, Univ. of
Witwatersrand Press, Chapter 9, 1997.
- Trollope, W. S. W., Biomass burning in the savannas of southern
Africa with particular reference to the Kruger National Park in
South Africa. in Biomass Burning and Global Change, ed. by J. S.
Levine, Chapter 26, MIT Press, 1996, pp. 270-277.
- Trollope, W. S. W., L. A. Trollope, A. L. F. Potgieter, and N.
Zambatis, SAFARI-92 characterization of biomass and fire behavior in
the small experimental burns in the Kruger National Park. J.
Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,531-
- Tyson, P. D., M. Garstang, R. J. Swap, E. V. Browell, R. D. Diab,
and A. M. Thompson, Transport and vertical structure of ozone and
aerosol distributions over southern Africa. in Biomass Burning and
Global Change, ed. J. Levine, MIT Press, 1996.
- Tyson, P. D., M. Garstang, A. M. Thompson, P. D'Abreton, R. D.
Diab, and E. V. Browell, Atmospheric transport and photochemistry of
ozone over south central Africa during SAFARI. J. Geophys. Res., (in
press), 1997.
- Ward, D. E., W. M. Hao, R. A. Susott, R. E. Babbitt, R. W. Shea,
J. B. Kauffman, and C. O. Justice, Effect of fuel composition on
combustion efficiency and emission factors for African savanna
ecosystems. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996,
pp. 23,569-23,576.
- Zepp, R. G., W. L. Miller, R. A. Burke, D. A. B. Parsons, and M.
C. Scholes, Effects of moisture and burning on soil-atmosphere
exchange of trace carbon gases in a southern African savanna. J.
Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30, 1996, pp. 23,699-
- Zenker, T., A. M. Thompson, D. P. McNamara, T. L. Kucsera, G. W.
Harris, F. G. Wienhold, P. Le Canut, M. O. Andreae, and R. Koppman,
Regional trace gas distribution and airmass characteristics in the
haze layer over southern Africa during the biomass burning
season(Sept./Oct. 1992): Observations and modeling from the
STARE/SAFARI- 92/DC-3. in Biomass Burning and Global Change, ed. J.
Levine, MIT Press, 1996.
- Zunckel, M., G. Held, R. A. Preston-Whyte, and A Joubert,
Low-level wind maxima and the transport of pyrogenic products over
southern Africa. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30,
1996, pp. 23,745-23,755.
- Zunckel, M., Y. Hong, K. Brassel, and S. O'Beirne,
Characteristics of the nocturnal boundary layer: Okaukuejo, Namibia,
during SAFARI-92. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 101, No. D19, October 30,
1996, pp. 23,757-23,766.
SAFARI-92 Presentations
- Andreae, M. O., An overview over the SAFARI-92 experiment: The
role of vegetation fires in the environment of southern Africa.
Invited Paper No. A12H-1, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Andreae, M. O., T. W. Andreae, P. leCanut, W. Elbert, G. Helas,
F. Wienhold, T. Zenker, H. Annegarn, F. Beer, H. Cachier, W.
Maenhaut, I. Salma, and R. Swap, Airborne studies of aerosol
emissions from savanna fires in southern Africa. Paper No. 4.10, 2nd
Scientific Conference of the IGAC Project, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan,
September 5-9, 1994.
- Andreae, M. O., T. W. Andreae, W. Elbert, G. W. Harris, F. G.
Wienhold and T. Zenker, H. Annegarn, F. Beer, H. Cachier, W.
Maenhaut, I. Selma, R. Swap, Airborne studies of aerosol emissions
from savanna fires in southern Africa. Invited Paper No. A21H-3,
1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Andreae, M. O., T. Andreae, W. Elbert, F. Wienhold, and T.
Zenker, Airborne measurments of aerosol emission characteristics and
regional distribution of aerosols from biomass burning in southern
Africa during STARE/SAFARI-92. 1st IGAC Scientific Conference, Paper
No. 42, Eilat Israel, April 18-22, 1993.
- Andreae, M. O., G. Helas, S. Manoe, G. Schebeske, D. Scharffe, E.
Atlas, A. de Kock, W. Pollock, R. Koppmann, and J. Rudolph, Methyl
halide emissions from savanna fires in southern Africa. Invited
Paper No. A12H-9, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Andreae, M. O. and the SAFARI Science Team, An overview over the
IGAC/SAFARI experiment: The role of vegetation fires in the
environment of southern Africa. Paper No. 2.14, 2nd Scientific
Conference of the IGAC, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan, September 5-9, 1994.
- Annegarn, H. J., M. A. Kneen, S. Piketh, and W. Maenhaut, Aerosol
source apportionment and long range sulphate transport in the
Transvaal lowveld. Invited Paper No. A21H-7, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Cachier, H., C. Liousse, J. L. Hery, A. Gaudichet, F. Echalar,
and P. Masclet, Aerosol production by African savanna biomass
burning. Invited Paper No. A21H-5, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Clain, M. P., P. Masclet, and H. Cachier, Emission of organic
compounds by biomass burning and charcoal fabrication: I. Emission
of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons-Field studies. Invited Paper No.
A21H-11, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Cofer, W. R. III, J. S. Levine, D. R. Cahoon, Jr., E. L.
Winstead, D. I. Sebacher, J. P. Pinto, and B. J. Stocks, Source
composition of trace gases released during African savanna fires.
Paper No. A12H-5, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- deKock, A., W. Pollock, and E. Atlas, Organic compounds in
biomass burning emissions during SAFARI. Poster No. A11C-5, 1993 AGU
Fall Meeting.
- Hao, W. M., G. Olbu, S. P. Baker, and D. E. Ward, Emissions of
CO2, CO and hydrocarbons from fires in selected savanna ecosystems
of South Africa and Zambia. Invited Paper No. A12H-9, 1993 AGU Fall
- Harris, G., T. Zenker, F. Wienhold, U. Parchatka, and M. Welling,
SAFARI-92: Airborne measurments of trace gases emitted by southern
African veld fires. 1st IGAC Scientific Conference, Paper No. 40,
Eilat, Israel, April 18-22, 1993.
- Harris, G. W., T. Zenker, F. G. Wienhold, M. Welling, U.
Parchatka, and M. O. Andreae, Airborne measurments of trace gas
emission ratios from southern African veld
fires.(STARE/SAFARI-92/DC3-Component). Invited Poster No. A11C-1,
1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Harris, G. W., T. Zenker, F. G. Wienhold, M. Welling, U.
Parchatka, and M. O. Andrea, G. W. Harris, R. Koppmann, and J.
Rudolph, Distribution of trace gases in the southern African
boundary-layer during September and October
1992(STARE/SAFARI-92/DC-3 component). Invited Paper No. A12H-6, 1993
AGU Fall Meeting.
- Harris, G. W., T. Zenker, F. S. Wienhold, M. Welling, and U.
Parchatka, Airborne observations of strong bogenic NOx emissions
from the Namibian savanna at the end of the dry season. Invited
Paper No. A12H-13, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Helas, G, M. O. Andreae, G. Schebeske, D. Scharffe, S. Manoe, R.
Koppmann, and J. Rudolph, Light hydrocarbons measured in plumes of
savanna fires in South Africa. 2nd Scientific Conference of the IGAC
Project, Poster No. p215, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan, September 5-9, 1994.
- Helas, G., G. Schebeske, D. Scharffe, S. Mano, M. O. Andreae, R.
Koppmann, J. Rudolph, A. De Kock, and E. Atlas, Light hydrocarbons
measured over savanna fires in South Africa. Invited Paper No.
A12H-11, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Koppmann, R., A. Khedim, J. Rudolph, G. Helas, M. Welling, S.
Manoe, Airborne measurements of nonmethane hydrocarbon emissions
from savanna fires in southern Africa. Paper No. A12H-12, 1993 AGU
Fall Meeting.
- Kuhlbusch, T. A. J., Black carbon as a product of savanna fires
in southern Africa: A sink of biospheric carbon. Invited Paper No.
A21H-2, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Levine, J. S., W. R. Cofer, III, D. R. Cahoon, Jr., D. I.
Sebacher, E. L. Winstead, M. C. Scholes, D. Parsons, and R. J.
Scholes, Biogenic emissions of nitric oxide and nitrous oxide from
the savanna grasslands of southern Africa. Paper No. A12H-14, 1993
Fall AGU Meeting.
- Liousse, C., H. Cachier, and F. Dulac, Remote sensing of savanna
biomass burning aerosols. Invited Paper No. A21H-9, 1993 AGU Fall
- Maenhaut, W., I. Salma, J. Cafmeyer, H. J. Annegarn, and M. O.
Andreae, Composition and sources of the regional atmospheric aerosol
in the eastern Transvaal, South Africa and impact of biomass
burning. Invited Paper No. A21H-6, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Maenhaut, W., I. Salma, J. Cafmeyer, H. J. Annegarn, and M. O.
Andreae, Regional aerosol composition in the eastern Transvaal,
South Africa and impact of biomass burning. 2nd Scientific
Conference of the IGAC Project, Poster No. p258, Fuji-Yoshida,
Japan, September 5-9, 1994.
- Maenhaut, W., I. Salma, M. Garstang, and F. Meixner,
Six-fractionated atmospheric aerosol composition and aerosol sources
at Etosha, Namibia and Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Poster No. A11C-2,
1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Meixner, F. X., Boundary layer ozone at Victoria Falls(Zimbabwe):
Groung level and airborne mixing ratios. 2nd Scientific Conference
of the IGAC Project, Poster No. p079, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan, September
5-9, 1994.
- Meixner, F. X., A. -L. Ajavon, G. Helas, D. Scharffe, T. Zenker,
G. W. Harris, and M. O. Andreae, Vertical distribution of ozone over
southern Africa: Airborne measurements during SAFARI-92. Paper No.
A12H-8, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Shea, R., J. B. Kauffman, B. Shea, D. E. Ward, R. A. Susott, C.
B. Doughty, C. Haskins, M. Scholes, and E. Chidumayo, Fuel biomass
and combustion factors for fires in selected savanna ecosystems of
South Africa and Zambia, Invited Paper No. A12H-4, 1993 AGU Fall
- Stocks, B. J., D. J. McRae, B. W. van Wilgen, W. S. W. Trollope,
F. Weirich, and A. L. F. Potgieter, Large-scale savanna fires in
South Africa: Fuels and fire behavior dynamics. Invited Paper No.
A12H-2, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Swap, R. J., M. Garstang, S. A. Macko, R. W. Talbot, P. Artaxo,
and P. Kallberg, The long-range transport of southern African
aerosols to the tropical south Atlantic. Paper No. A21H-8, 1993 AGU
Fall Meeting.
- Swap, R. J., S. A. Macko, M. Garstang, W. Maenhaut, and R.
Talbot, Correlation of the geochemistry and meteorology of southern
African aerosols. Poster No. A42A-5, 1994 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Thompson, A. M., K. E. Pickering, D. P. McNamara, M. R.
Schoeberl, R. D. Hudson, and J. Kim, Southern African tropospheric
ozone in 1989: Dynamics and photochemistry. Poster No. A31A-17, 1994
AGU Spring Meeting.
- Tosen, G. R., The relationship between synoptic-scale
circulations and ambient concentrations in the Kruger National Park,
South Africa. Paper No. A21H-12, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Trollope, W. S. W., I. A. Trollope, A. L. F. Potgieter and N.
Zambatis, Characterization of biomass and fire behavior in the small
experimental burns in the Kruger National Park. Invited Paper No.
A12H-3, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Turner, C. R., Biomass combustion influences as a controlling
influence in the acidity of rainfall in South Africa. Invited Paper
No. A21H-10, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Ward, D. E., R. A. Susott, C. B. Doughty, R. Shea, C. Haskins, M.
Scholes, and E. Chidumayo, Combustion efficiency and smoke emissions
from Fires in selected savanna ecosystems of South Africa and
Zambia. Invited Paper No. A21H-4, 1993 Fall AGU Meeting.
- Zepp, R. G., W. L. Miller, and R. A. Burke, Effects of moisture
and burning on soil-air exchange of trace carbon gases in a southern
African savanna. Invited Paper No. A21H-1, 1993 AGU Fall Meeting.
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