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GTE Publications |
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This bibliography provides a reference for the publications and
presentations related to GTE field missions. Some publications and
presentations for the Northern Wetlands Study (NOWES) and Southern
African Fire-Atmosphere Research Initiative (SAFARI-92) have also been
included because of the close coordination (objectives, time and
space) between these and GTE missions. Publications that clearly use
GTE data have also been included, even though the specific study may
not have been funded by the through GTE. The "Related Publication"
and "Related Presentation" citations are included as a "catch-all"
category for publications/presentations that are not directly related
to any specific field mission but uses or describes GTE data in
- Andreae, M. O., Atmospheric impacts from biomass burning. 1st
IGAC Scientific Conference, Invited Paper, Eilat, Israel, April
18-22, 1993.
- Bandy, A. R., D. C. Thornton, and B. W. Blomquist, Sulfur
dioxide, dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethyl sulfone formation from
dimethyl sulfide oxidation. Paper No. 3.10, 2nd Scientific
Conference of the IGAC Project, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan, September 5-9,
- Bradshaw, J. D. and S. T. Sandholm, Description of the
multi-photon laser-induced fluorescence spectrometer for airborne
measurment of important ultra-trace gases. presented at 2nd
International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition:
Technology, Measurment and Analysis, San Francisco, June 24-27,
1996, in proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 242-250.
- Chamidies, W. L., Diagnostic studies of the HxOy-NxOy-O3
photochemical system using data from NASA GTE field expeditions:
Final Report, July 1, 1987-July 30, 1990, Georgia Inst. of Tech.,
NASA CR-193672, September 1990, 6 p.
- Crosley, D. R., The 1993 OH tropospheric photochemistry
experiment: A summary and perspective. J. Geophys. Res., in press,
- Hoell, J. M., Jr., R. McNeal, and R. C. Harriss, An overview of
the NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment. presented at the 28th AIAA
Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, January 8-11, 1990, in
Proceedings, 8 p.
- Kanakidou, M. and H. B. Singh, An investigation of the
atmospheric sources and sinks of methyl bromide. 1st IGAC Scientific
Conference, Paper No. 81, Eilat, Israel, April 18-22, 1993.
- McNeal, R. J., Global Troposphere Experiment: Probing the
chemistry/climate connection.
- McNeal, R. J., NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment, EOS:
Transactions, Vol. 64, No. 38, September 20, 1983, pp. 561-562.
- Sachse, G. W., J. E. Collins, Jr., G. F. Hill, L. O. Wade, L. G.
Burney, and J. A. Ritter, Airborne tunable diode laser sensor for
high-precision concentration and flux measurments of carbon monoxide
and methane. presented at SPIE Meeting on Measurment of Atmospheric
Gases, Los Angeles, January 21-23, 1991, in SPIE Proceedings, Vol.
1433, 1991, pp. 157-1266.
- Singh, H. B. and M. Kanakidou, Acetone in the global troposphere:
Its possible role as a global source of PAN. Paper No. 2.28, 2nd
Scientific Conference of the IGAC Project, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan,
September 5-9, 1994.
- Thompson, A. M., R. W. Stewart, and M. A. Owens, Is the oxidizing
capacity of the atmosphere changing? Paper A41-01, 1988 AGU Spring
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- Report of the NASA Working Group on Tropospheric Program
Planning, J. H. Seinfield, Chrm., NASA RP 1062, 1981.
- Applying Modeling Results in Designing a Global Tropospheric
Experiment, Proceedings of a Working Group meeting held in Virginia
Beach, VA July 15-16, 1981, NASA CP- 2235, 1982.
- Tropospheric Passive Remote Sensing, Proceedings of a workshop
held in Virginia Beach VA July 20-23, 1981, Edited by Lloyd S.
Keafer, Jr., NASA CP-2237, 1982.
- Assessment of Techniques for Measuring Tropospheric Nx0y,
Proceedings of a workshop held in Palo Alto, CA August 16-20, 1982,
NASA CP-2292, 1983.
- Assessment of Techniques for Measuring Tropospheric Hx0y,
Proceedings of a workshop held in Palo Alto, CA, August 16-20, 1982,
Edited by James M. Hoell, Jr., NASA CP- 2332, 1984.
- Research Needs in Heterogeneous Tropospheric Chemistry,
Proceedings of a workshop held in Sarasota, FL January 9-13,1984,
NASA CP-2320, 1984.
- Future Directions for Hx0y Detection, Proceedings of a workshop
held in Menlo Park,CA August 12-15, 1985, NASA CP-2448, December
1986, David A. Crosley and James M. Hoell, Editors.
- Space Opportunities for Tropospheric Chemistry Research,
Proceedings of a workshop held in New York City, September 9-13,
1985, NASA CP-2450, February 1987, Joel S. Levine, Editor.
- Crosley, D. R., The 1993 NASA Blue Ribbon NOy Panel. SRI
Intgernational Report MP 93-185, November 1993.
- Local Measurement of Tropospheric H0x, Summary of a workshop held
at SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, March 23-26, 1992, NASA CP
3245, February 1994.
- Crosley, D. R., Issues in the measurment of reactive nitrogen
compounds in the atmosphere. SRI International Report MP 94-035,
March 1994.
- Crosley, D. R., Instrumentation Development for the Global
Tropospheric Experiment, Report of a workshop held at SRI
International July 15-17, 1996, SRI International Report MP 96-112,
August 1996.
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