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PEM Tropics-B Data Archive |
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Merged data sets for PEM Tropics-B .
B. Anderson | Condensation Nuclei Counters | DC-8 | Ultra-fine aerosols, Fine aerosols (Unheated), Fine aerosols (Heated 250C), Ratio (Heated/Unheated) | ABCNCD05.ZIP-22 | 12/2/99 |
B. Anderson | FSSP Aerosol Probe | DC-8 | Static pressure, Static air temperature, Total particles, Particles of sizes: 0.34µm, 0.38µm, 0.42µm, 0.46µm, 0.50µm, 0.54µm, 0.58µm, 0.62µm, 0.68µm, 0.72µm, 1µm, 2µm, 3µm, 4µm, 5µm, 6µm, 7µm, 8µm, 9µm, 10µm, 11µm, 12µm, 13µm, 14µm, 15µm, 16µm, 17µm, 18µm, 19µm, 20µm | ABFD_05.ZIP-06,
8-22 07 |
8/17/99 2/8/00 |
B. Anderson | FSSP-300 Aerosol Probe | DC-8 | Static pressure, Static air temperature, Total particles, Total particles ambient, Surface area ambient, Volume ambient | ABFN_05.ZIP-06,
8-22 07 |
12/2/99 2/7/00 |
B. Anderson | PCASP Aerosol Probe | DC-8 | Static pressure, Static air temperature, Total particles, Particles of sizes: 0.10µm, 0.11µm, 0.12µm, 0.13µm, 0.15µm, 0.17µm, 0.19µm, 0.20µm, 0.21µm, 0.22µm, 0.24µm, 0.26µm, 0.28µm, 0.30µm, 0.50µm, 0.70µm, 0.90µm, 1.1µm, 1.2µm, 1.4µm, 1.6µm, 1.8µm, 2.0µm, 2.2µm, 2.6µm, 2.8µm, 2.9µm, 3.0µm | ABPD_05.ZIP-06,
08-22 07 |
2/2/00 2/7/00 |
B. Anderson | PCASP Aerosol Probe | DC-8 | Static pressure, Static air temperature, Total particles, Total particles ambient, Surface area ambient, Volume ambient | ABPN_05.ZIP-06,
08-22 07 |
12/2/99 2/7/00 |
E. Atlas | GC/MS | DC-8 | Methyl nitrate (CH3ONO2), Ethyl nitrate (C2H5ONO2), Isopropyl nitrate (i-C3H7ONO2), N-propyl nitrate (n-C3H7ONO2), 2-butyl nitrate (2-C4H90N02), Methylene Chloride (CH2CL2), Chloroform (CHCl3), Perchloroethylene (C2Cl4), HFC-134A (CH2FCF3), HCFC22 (CHF2Cl), HCFC142B (CH3CF2Cl), HCFC141B (CH3CFCl2), Dibromomethane (CH2Br2), Dibromochloromethane (CHBr2Cl), Bromoform (CHBr3) | NCAN_D05.PMB-22 | 12/15/99 |
D. Blake | GC/MS | DC-8 | Methyl Chloride (CH3Cl), F-12 (CCl2F2), F-114 (CClF2CClF2), F-11 (CCl3F), HCFC-141B (CH3CFCl2), HCFC-134a, HCFC-22, HCFC-142b, Methylbromide (CH3Br), Dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), Trichloromethane (CHCl3), 1,2,-Dichloroethane (1,2-C2H4Cl2), Chlorodibromomethane (CHBr2Cl), Bromochloromethane (CH2BrCl), Methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3), Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), Dibromomethane (CH2Br2), Bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl2), Tetrochloroethylene (C2Cl4), Bromoform (CHBr3), H-1211 (CBrClF2), F-113 (CCl2FCClF2), H-2402 (C2Br2F4), Methyl Iodide (CH3I), Dimethylsulfide (DMS)(CH3SCH3), Methyl nitrate (CH3ONO2), Ethyl nitrate (C2H5ONO2), i-propyl nitrate (i-C3H7ONO2), n-propyl nitrate (n-C3H7ONO2), 2-butyl nitrate (2-C4H9ONO2), Ethane (C2H6), Ethene (C2H4), Propene (C3H6), Propane (C3H8),i-butane (i-C4H10), n-butane (n-C4H10), t-2-butene (t-2-C4H8), 1-butene (1-C4H8), i-butene (i-C4H8), c-2-butene (c-2-C4H8), Ethyne (C2H2), i-pentane (i-C5H12), n-pentane (n-C5H12), Isoprene (C5H8), n-hexane (n-C6H14), Cyclohexane (C6H12), Benzene (C6H6), n-heptane (n-C7H16), Toluene (C7H8), n-octane (n-C8H18), Ethylbenzene (C8H10), m/p-xylene (m/p-C24H30), p/m-xylene (p/m-C24H30), o-xylene (o-C24H30), 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (2,2,4-C8H18), 2,3,4-trimethylpethane (2,3,4-C8H18) | UCGC_D05.PMB-22 | 12/12/99 |
E. Browell | DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar) | DC-8 | Infrared Aerosol Scattering Ratio | BEAC1D05.ZIP-9 10-22 |
12/2/99 12/3/99 |
E. Browell | DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar) | DC-8 | Nadir Ozone Mixing Ratio | BEOCDD05.ZIP-9 10-22 |
12/1/99 12/2/99 |
E. Browell | DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar) | DC-8 | Composite Tropospheric Ozone Cross-Sections | BEOC1D05.ZIP-22 | 12/2/99 |
E. Browell | DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar) | DC-8 | Tropopause heights and ozone columns | BETC1D05.ZIP-22 | 12/3/99 |
E. Browell | LASE | DC-8 | Aerosol Scattering Ratio | BESRCD05.ZIP-22 | 12/3/99 |
E. Browell | LASE | DC-8 | Water Vapor Profiles | BEWVCD05.ZIP-22 | 12/3/99 |
B. Brune | FAGE-LIF | DC-8 | Hydroxyl radical (OH), Hydroperoxyl radical (HO2) | BWHOXD03.PMB-22 | 6/15/00 |
G. Gregory | Nitric Oxide Chemiluminescence | DC-8 | Ozone (O3) | GG_OZD05.ZIP-22 | 10/11/99 |
B. Heikes | Dual channel collectors and fluorometers, HPLC | DC-8 | Peroxide (H2O2), Methyl hydroperoxide (CH3OOH) | HBPERD04.PMB-22 | 6/1/00 |
B. Heikes | Dual channel collectors and fluorometers, HPLC | DC-8 | Formaldehyde (CH2O) | HBFORD05.PMB-22 | 9/30/99 |
M. Mahoney | Microwave Temperature Profiler | DC-8 | Number of retrieved levels, A/C Pressure Altitude Zp, A/C GPS Altitude, Latitude , Longitude, A/C Pitch, A/C Roll, Outside Air Temperature, Tropopause #1 Altitude, Tropopause #2 Altitude, Theta at Tropopause #1, Theta at Tropopause #2, Lapse Rate at A/C, CM dimension dimCM, Combo Matrix CM, Presssure Altitude(Zp), Temperature(T), Standard Error on T(SE), Geometric Altitude(Zg), Number Density(ND) | MPMTPD10.ZIP-22 | 12/3/99 |
Project | DADS | DC-8 | Julian day, Time, Latitude, Longitude, Wind speed & direction, Pressure & radar altitude, Cabin altitude, Static & total air temperature, IR surface temperature, Partial pressure of water vapor, True & indicated air speed, Ground speed, Vertical air speed, Mach number, Pitch & roll angle, True heading, Drift angle, Time & distance to go, Alignment status, Cross track distance, Desired track angle, Track angle error, Track angle, Sun elevation & azimuth, Dew point, Relative humidity, Saturation vapor pressure, NO2 photolysis rate, Specific humidity | PO_01D02.ZIP
-3 4-8 9-17 18-22 |
2/25/99 5/12/99 5/13/99 5/14/99 |
G. Sachse | External Path Diode Laser | DC-8 | Water Vapor (H2O) | SGDEWD05.ZIP,11,16,18,21,22 13-15 12,19 6-8,10 9,20 17 |
1/19/00 1/9/00 1/13/00 1/18/00 1/20/00 1/21/00 |
G. Sachse S.Vay |
DACOM IR Laser Spectrometer LICOR NDIR (CO2) |
DC-8 | Carbon Monoxide (CO), Methane (CH4), N2O (Nitrous Oxide), CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) | SGDACD05.ZIP-22 | 11/24/99 |
G. Sachse | External path diode laser measurements | DC-8 | Fast Water Vapor (H2O) | SGFVPD06.ZIP 7,8 9-16 17-22 |
2/14/00 2/22/00 2/15/00 2/16/00 |
S. Sandholm | TP-LIF | DC-8 | Nitric oxide (NO) | SSLIFD05.PMB-13, 15-22 | 8/18/99 |
S. Sandholm | PF-LIF | DC-8 | Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) | SSNO2D05.PMB-22 | 8/18/99 |
R. Shetter | Nadir & Zenith Spectroradiometer | DC-8 | Photolysis frequencies for:J(HNO2), J(HNO3). J(H2O2), J(CH2O_CO), J(CH3OOH), J(CH3ONO2), J(CH3CH2ONO2), J(CH3COCH3), J(PAN), J(O3), J(CH2O_HCO), J(NO2) | RSJV1D02.ZIP-22 | 12/2/99 |
R. Shetter | Scanning Actinic Flux Spectroradiometers | DC-8 | Total Solar Actinic Flux vs. Wavelength | RSFLXD02.ZIP-22 | 12/3/99 |
H. Singh | EC-GC | DC-8 | Peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN, CH3C(O)OONO2), Peroxylpropionyl nitrate (PPN, C2H5C(O)OONO2), Tetrochloroethylene (C2Cl4), Methyl nitrate (CH3ONO2), Ethyl/i-Propyl_Nitrate (C2H5/i-C3H7NO3) | SHGC1D04.PMB-22 | 3/3/00 |
H. Singh | EC-GC | DC-8 | Acetone (CH3COCH3), Methanol (CH3OH), Ethanol (C2H6O), Acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) | SHGC3D04.PMB-22 | 11/15/99 |
B. Talbot | Filter Collection/Ion Chromatography | DC-8 | Nitrate (NO3-), Beryllium 7 (7Be), Ammonium (NH4+), Chloride (Cl-), Potassium (K+), Sodium (Na+), Calcium (Ca2+), Magnesium (Mg2), Methyl Sulfonate (MSA) (CH3SO3-), Non-Sea-Salt Sulfate (nss-SO4), Lead-210 (Pb-210) | NHAERD05.PMB-22 | 2/2/01 |
B. Talbot | Mist Chamber Ion Chromatography | DC-8 | Nitric Acid (HNO3), Sulfur dioxide (SO2) | NHATGD05.PMB-22 | 11/23/99 |
B. Anderson | TAMMS | P3-B | Latitude, Longitude, Pressure altitude, Static pressure, Impact pressure, Static temperature, Pitch, Roll, True heading, U, V, W, Specific humidity (q1011), Specific Humidity (LymanAlpha), Vir potential temperature | ABTAMP01.ZIP-4 5-9, 11-19 10 |
8/10/99 12/1/99 12/7/99 |
E. Atlas | GC/MS | P3-B | Methyl nitrate (CH3ONO2), Ethyl nitrate (C2H5ONO2), Isopropyl nitrate (i-C3H7ONO2), N-propyl nitrate (n-C3H7ONO2), 2-butyl nitrate (2-C4H90N02), Methylene Chloride (CH2CL2), Chloroform (CHCl3), Perchloroethylene (C2Cl4), HFC-134A (CH2FCF3), HCFC22 (CHF2Cl), HCFC142B (CH3CF2Cl), HCFC141B (CH3CFCl2), Dibromomethane (CH2Br2), Dibromochloromethane (CHBr2Cl), Bromoform (CHBr3) | NCAN_P04.PMB-19 | 12/15/99 |
A. Bandy | GC/MS | P3-B | Sulfur dioxide (SO2), Dimethyl sulfide (DMS)(CH3SCH3) | DUSU1P04.PMB-15,
17-19 16 |
12/3/99 12/6/99 |
D. Blake | GC/MS | P3-B | Methyl Chloride (CH3Cl), F-12 (CCl2F2), F-114 (CClF2CClF2), F-11 (CCl3F), HCFC-141B (CH3CFCl2), HCFC-134a, HCFC-22, HCFC-142b, Methylbromide (CH3Br), Dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), Trichloromethane (CHCl3), 1,2,-Dichloroethane (1,2-C2H4Cl2), Chlorodibromomethane (CHBr2Cl), Bromochloromethane (CH2BrCl), Methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3), Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), Dibromomethane (CH2Br2), Bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl2), Tetrochloroethylene (C2Cl4), Bromoform (CHBr3), H-1211 (CBrClF2), F-113 (CCl2FCClF2), H-2402 (C2Br2F4), Methyl Iodide (CH3I), Dimethylsulfide (DMS)(CH3SCH3), Methyl nitrate (CH3ONO2), Ethyl nitrate (C2H5ONO2), i-propyl nitrate (i-C3H7ONO2), n-propyl nitrate (n-C3H7ONO2), 2-butyl nitrate (2-C4H9ONO2), Ethane (C2H6), Propene (C3H6),Propane (C3H8), Cyclopropane (C3H6), Propadiene (C3H4), i-butane (i-C4H10), n-butane (n-C4H10), t-2-butene (t-2-C4H8), 1-butene (1-C4H8), i-butene (i-C4H8), c-2-butene (c-2-C4H8), Ethyne (C2H2), Ethylene (C2H4), i-pentane (i-C5H12), n-pentane (n-C5H12), Isoprene (C5H8), n-hexane (n-C6H14), Cyclohexane (C6H12), Benzene (C6H6), n-heptane (n-C7H16), Toluene (C7H8), n-octane (n-C8H18), Ethylbenzene (C8H10), m/p-xylene (m/p-C24H30), p/m-xylene (p/m-C24H30), o-xylene (o-C24H30), 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (2,2,4-C8H18), 2,3,4-trimethylpethane (2,3,4-C8H18) | UCGC_P03.PMB-19 | 12/12/99 |
T. Clarke | PSAP | P3-B | Absorption coefficient (@ 565 nm) | TCABSP04.ZIP-19 | 4/13/00 |
T. Clarke | Condensation nuclei counter and Nephelometer | P3-B | CN (3010 @300 deg C) concentrations (Dp>=13nm), CN (3010 @30 deg C) concentrations, Nephelometer SUB-UM scattering (@450 nm), Nephelometer SUB-UM scattering (@550 nm), Nephelometer SUB-UM scattering (@700 nm), Nephelometer TOTAL scattering (@450 nm), Nephelometer TOTAL scattering (@550 nm), Nephelometer TOTAL scattering (@700 nm), Nephelometer STP correction | TCAERP04.ZIP-19 | 4/11/00 |
T. Clarke | Lag chamber grab samples | P3-B | DMA integral number, DMA integral surface area, DMA integral volume | TCDMAP04.ZIP 05-19 |
4/13/00 11/25/99 |
T. Clarke | PVM probe | P3-B | Liquid water content | TCLWCP04.ZIP-112 13-19 |
4/12/00 1/20/00 |
T. Clarke | OPC | P3-B | OPC integral number, 0.28 um <= Dp <= 4.0 um, OPC integral number, 0.28 um <= Dp <= 0.6 um, OPC integral number, 0.6 um <= Dp <= 4.0 um, OPC integral surface area, 0.28 um <= Dp <= 4.0 um, OPC integral surface area, 0.28 um <= Dp <= 0.6 um, OPC integral surface area, 0.6 um <= Dp <= 4.0 um, OPC integral volume, 0.28 um <= Dp <= 4.0 um, OPC integral volume, 0.28 um <= Dp <= 0.6 um, OPC integral volume, 0.6 um <= Dp <= 4.0 um | TCOPCP04.ZIP 05-19 |
4/13/00 11/25/99 |
T. Clarke | --- | P3-B | --- | README.DOC README.TXT |
--- |
T. Clarke | Condensation Nuclei Counter | P3-B | UCN/PHA-UCN | TCUCNP04.ZIP-19 | 5/23/00 |
F. Eisele | CIMS | P3-B | DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide/C2H6SO) | FE_DNP04.PMB-12,
19 13 14-18 |
1/28/00 12/3/99 5/2/01 |
F. Eisele | CIMS | P3-B | Ammonia (NH3) | FE_NHP04.PMB 05-19 |
1/28/00 12/19/99 |
F. Eisele | CIMS | P3-B | Hydroxide (OH), Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), Methanesulfonic Acid/MSA (CH4SO3) | FEOSMP04.PMB 05-19 |
2/11/00 12/19/99 |
G. Gregory | Nitric Oxide Chemiluminescence | P3-B | Ozone (O3) | GG_OZP01.ZIP-19 | 5/18/99 |
B. Heikes | Dual Concurrent Coil Collection | P3-B | Formaldehyde (CH2O) | HBFORP04.PMB-19 | 9/16/99 |
B. Heikes | Concurrent Coil Collection, High Presuure Liquid Chromatography Separation, Enzyme Derivitization Flourescence Method | P3-B | Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Methyl hydroperoxide (CH3OOH) | HBPERP03.PMB-19 | 6/7/00 |
Project | DADS | P3-B | Julian day, Time, Latitude, Longitude, Pressure altitude, Corrected radar altitude, Wind speed, Wind direction, Pitch, Roll, Heading, Mach number, True air speed, Cabin altitude, Total temperature, Cabin pressure, Differential pressure, Static pressure, J(NO2) zenith, J(NO2) nadir, Surface temperature, Static temperature (Deg K & Deg C), Potential temperature, Vapor presuure water, Vapor pressure ice, Saturation vapor pressure water, Saturation vapor pressure ice, Relative humidty water, Relative humidity ice, DP1011 dew point, Average cryo dew point, Project dew point, Project specific humidity | PO_01P01.ZIP-19 | 4/25/99 |
B. Ridley | O3/NO Chemiluminescence | P3-B | Nitric oxide (NO), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) | RBNOXP02.PMB-19 | 8/9/99 |
B. Ridley | O3/NO Chemiluminescence | P3-B | Ozone (O3) | RB_O3P02.PMB-19 | 8/9/99 |
G. Sachse | Differential-Absorption IR | P3-B | Carbon monoxide (CO), Carbon dioxide (CO2) | SGDIRP03.PMB-19 | 11/2/99 |
R. Shetter | Nadir & Zenith Spectroradiometer | P3-B | Photoysis frequencies:J(HNO2), J(HNO3). J(H2O2), J(CH2O_CO), J(CH3OOH), J(CH3ONO2), J(CH3CH2ONO2), J(CH3COCH3), J(PAN), J(O3), J(CH2O_HCO), J(NO2) | RSJV1P01.ZIP-19 | 12/2/99 |
R. Shetter | Scanning Actinic Flux Spectroradiometers | P3-B | Total Solar Actinic Flux vs. Wavelength | RSFLXP01.ZIP-19 | 12/7/99 |
B. Talbot | Mist Chamber Ion Chromatography | P3-B | Nitric Acid (HNO3) | NHATGP04.PMB 5,6 7,8 9 10 11,12 13 14,15 16 17-19 |
3/15/99 3/16/99 3/19/99 3/21/99 3/23/99 3/29/99 4/1/99 4/6/99 6/14/99 5/27/99 |
B. Talbot | Filter Collection/Ion Chromatography | P3-B | Nitrate (NO3-), Non-Sea-Salt-Sulfate (nss-SO4), Methyl Sulfonate (MS)(CH3SO3-), Ammonium (NH4+) | NHAERP04.PMB-15 16-19 |
11/9/99 11/10/99 |
D. Westberg | Flight Tracks | DC-8 | --- | D8FLTXXIR.GIF D8FLTXXWV.GIF D8FLTXXVS.GIF |
--- |
D. Westberg | Flight Tracks | P3-B | --- | P3FLTXXIR.GIF P3FLTXXWV.GIF P3FLTXXVS.GIF |
--- |
D. Westberg | Meteorology Products | DC-8 P3-B |
--- | PRODUCTS WEB SITE | --- |
H. Fuelberg | Backward Flight Trajectories | P3-B | --- | OOREADME P3B-FLTTRK.TRJ.Z P3B-FLTTRK.ALT.GIF P3B-FLTTRK.300.GIF P3B-FLTTRK.500.GIF P3B-FLTTRK.85-.GIF |
12/7/99 |
H. Fuelberg | Backward Flight Trajectories | DC-8 | --- | OOREADME DC8-FLTTRK.TRJ.Z DC8-FLTTRK.ALT.GIF DC8-FLTTRK.300.GIF DC8-FLTTRK.500.GIF DC8-FLTTRK.85-.GIF |
12/7/99 |
A. Thompson | Modeling | --- | --- | BTYYMMDD00.PS CPYYMMDD00.PS PPYYMMDD00.PS PTYYMMDD00.PS |
--- |
T. Krishnamurti | Modeling | --- | Meteorological Analysis and Forecast | Readme.txt, rain.f, traj.f, uvw.f | --- |
J. Rodriguez | Modeling | --- | --- | RJAERD01.PMB.GZ-04 | --- |
R. Chatfield | Modeling | --- | CO Simulation | C103XXXX.GIF C104XXXX.GIF. C803XXXX.GIF C804XXXX.GIF. CX03XXXX.GIF CX04XXXX.GIF. README. |
--- |
D. Davis | Modeling | --- | P3-B Photochemical Box Model Calculations (unconstrained) | DDMODP01.PMB-02 | 4/17/00 |
J. Crawford | Modeling | --- | DC-8 Constrained Photochemical Box Model Calculations | JCMODD01.PMB-02 | 4/17/00 |
A. Thompson | Lightning data | --- | --- | LIS1999XXXX.PS.GZ | --- |
R. Bendura | ECC Ozonesondes (Launch dates) |
Fiji | Press, alt, temp, dew pt, relative humidity, ozone | FJO3S001.PMB-075 | 6/1/99 |
R. Bendura |
ECC Ozonesondes (Launch dates) |
Lauder, NZ | Press, alt, temp, dew pt, relative humidity, ozone | BGO3S101.PMB-177 | 6/1/99 |
R. Bendura | ECC Ozonesondes (Launch dates) |
American Samoa | Press, alt, temp, dew pt, relative humidity, ozone | SAO3S001.PMB-076 | 5/21/99 |
R. Bendura | ECC Ozonesondes (Launch dates) |
Tahiti | Press, alt, temp, dew pt, relative humidity, ozone | TAO3S001.PMB-061 |
5/18/99 |
R.Selkirk | Imager | GOES-10 | Satellite IR Images | IGYYYYMMDDHHHH.GIF | 5/18/99 |
R. Selkirk | Imager | GOES-10 | Water Images | WGYYYYMMDDHHHH.GIF | 5/20/99 |
D. Westberg | McIDAS | GMS-5 GOES-8 GOES-10 METEOSAT-5 |
6/1/99 |
J. Crawford | --- | DC-8 | Merged data | MRG300D05.ZIP-22 MRG60D05.ZIP-22 MRG_HC_D05.ZIP-22 MRGDC8.README VARDEF_DC8.PMB |
10/26/00 |
J. Crawford | --- | P3-B | Merged Data | MRG300P04.ZIP-19 MRG60P04.ZIP-19 MRG_HC_P04.ZIP-19 MRGP3B.README VARDEF_P3B.PMB |
10/26/00 |
J. Raper | Video Tapes | DC-8 | Cloud & Storm Scope Images | --- | --- |
J. Raper | Video Tapes | P3-B | Cloud & Storm Scope Images | --- | --- |
J. Raper | Documentation | --- | --- | DOCUMENTS_PTB.TXT TAHITIPRESSCONF.TXT VIDEO.TXT |
--- |
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