Flight No. | Start date (GMT) |
Julian Date (GMT) |
Start Time (GMT) |
Stop Time (GMT) |
Lat.Min (Degs) |
Lat.Max (Degs) |
Lon.Min (Degs) |
Lon.max (Degs) |
Flight Location and Description |
1* | 2/09/01 | 40 | 16:34:50 | 19:35:46 | 34.8738 | 37.9827 | -75.8625 | 72.8816 | WFF Test Flight1 |
2* | 2/13/01 | 44 | 20:29:36 | 22:59:46 | 34.7859 | 37.9724 | -75.8612 | 73.2178 | WFF Test Flight 2 |
3* | 2/17/01 | 48 | 19:52:25 | 00:37:38 | 37.1159 | 38.5590 | -75.6416 | 73.0761 | WFF Test Flight 3 |
4 | 2/24/01 | 55 | 14:36:15 | 22:15:18 | 33.5966 | 37.6096 | -118.0862 | -75.9491 | WFF to Palmdale, CA - Stratospheric Intrusion |
5 | 2/26/01 | 57 | 17:34:21 | 00:51:59 | 19.7055 | 34.6774 | -156.0717 | -118.0731 | Palmdale, CA to Kona, HI - Aged Asian Pollution |
6 | 2/27/01 | 58 | 19:52:12 | 02:41:40 | 19.2236 | 21.2348 | -156.1263 | 166.5762 | Kona, HI to Wake Island - Asian Pollution Subsidence |
7 | 3/01/01 | 60 | 21:56:23 | 04:19:33 | 9.9016 | 19.2866 | 144.8860 | 166.7067 | Wake Island to Guam - Tropical/Subtropical Gradient |
8 | 3/04/01 | 63 | 00:34:00 | 08:25:00 | 13.5731 | 22.4097 | 113.9184 | 145.0026 | Guam to Hong Kong - Aircraft Intercomparison; Asian Outflow to South China Sea |
9 | 3/07/01 | 66 | 02:17:02 | 10:07:56 | 20.0490 | 28.5091 | 113.7464 | 124.2517 | Hong Kong Local 1 - Post-Frontal Asian Outflow |
10 | 3/09/01 | 68 | 01:07:16 | 08:39:50 | 19.9987 | 22.3419 | 113.7484 | 131.2688 | Hong Kong Local 2 - Aged Post-Frontal Outflow |
11 | 3/10/01 | 69 | 00:55:45 | 09:00:53 | 6.8956 | 22.3185 | 111.9539 | 116.4651 | Hong Kong Local 3 - South China Sea Quiescent Period |
12 | 3/13/01 | 72 | 00:53:42 | 09:05:30 | 17.0386 | 27.6039 | 113.7251 | 124.9838 | Hong Kong Local 4 - Stratospheric Intrusion; Biomass Burning Outflow |
13 | 3/17/01 | 76 | 00:58:41 | 09:07:37 | 20.0514 | 37.2261 | 113.8976 | 127.9529 | Hong Kong to Kadena AFB, Okinawa - Low Level Outflow to Yellow Sea |
14 | 3/18/01 | 77 | 01:58:04 | 09:17:05 | 26.3539 | 37.0393 | 124.3366 | 139.4325 | Kadena AFB, Okinawa to Yokota AFB, Japan - Surface Outflow to Yellow Sea; Volcanic Plume |
15 | 3/21/01 | 80 | 00:21:00 | 07:56:40 | 32.9998 | 40.9278 | 139.3278 | 155.0006 | Yokota Local 1 - Frontal Boundary Profile |
16 | 3/23/01 | 82 | 23:06:58 | 07:23:48 | 30.9409 | 39.9699 | 132.9872 | 140.0680 | Yokota Local 2 - Aircraft Intercomparison; Japan North-South |
17 | 3/27/01 | 86 | 00:27:51 | 08:41:41 | 32.1353 | 35.9329 | 139.3172 | 146.4258 | Yokota Local 3 - Air-Sea Exchange; Volcanic Plume; TERRA Underpass |
18 | 3/30/01 | 89 | 23:13:30 | 06:25:35 | 28.9584 | 37.9434 | 127.9982 | 139.6035 | Yokota Local 4 - ACE Asia; Asian Outflow to Sea of Japan; TERRA Underpass |
19 | 4/02/01 | 92 | 00:23:07 | 08:31:21 | 35.6250 | 40.9494 | 131.7143 | 139.3511 | Yokota Local 5 - ACE Asia; Moist Conveyor Belt; TERRA Underpass |
20 | 4/03/01 | 93 | 23:23:05 | 07:12:34 | 28.1442 | 36.1534 | -177.3796 | 139.3075 | Yokota AFB, Japan to Midway Island - High Altitude Asian Outflow |
21 | 4/06/01 | 96 | 06:53:24 | 14:21:21 | 20.0282 | 28.2473 | -177.2093 | 164.9640 | Midway Island Local 1 - Aged Asian Pollution; Stratospheric Influence |
22 | 4/07/01 | 97 | 16:18:40 | 23:06:02 | 16.0089 | 28.2231 | -177.5010 | -155.5967 | Midway Island to Kona, HI - Sunrise Photochemistry; Stratospheric Influence |
23 | 4/09/01 | 99 | 16:57:44 | 01:03:30 | 19.7240 | 34.9655 | -156.0468 | -117.7267 | Kona, HI to NASA DFRC - Aircraft Intercomparison |
24 | 4/10/01 | 100 | 15:33:28 | 22:05:41 | 30.4674 | 37.9393 | -118.0146 | -75.4597 | NASA DFRC to WFF - Transport of Clean Tropical Air |
*Optional data archival; required for other flights