OH and HO2 measurements with the AirborneTropospheric Hydrogen Oxides Sensor (ATHOS)
William Brune, Monica Martinez, Hartwig Harder, and Robert Lesher
503 Walker Building;
Department of Meteorology;
Pennsylvania State University;
University Park, PA 16802;
phone: 814-865-3286
e-mail: brune@essc.psu.edu
Instrument Description
ATHOS uses laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) to measure OH and HO2 simultaneously. OH is both excited and detected with the A2S +(v'=0) --> X2P +(v"=0) transition near 308nm. HO2 is first reacted with reagent NO to form OH and is thendetected with LIF.
The ambient air is slowed from the aircraft speed of 240 m/s to a controlled 8-40 m/s in an aerodynamic nacelle, and is then pulled by a vacuum pump througha small inlet, up a sampling tube, and into two low-pressure detection cells.The first cell is for OH and the second for HO2. Detection occursin each detection cell at the intersection of the airflow, the laser beammulti-passed through White cells, and the detector field-of-view.
The laser has a 3 kHz pulse repetition frequency, 30 ns long pulses, andis tuned on and off resonance with the OH transition to determine OH fluorescenceand background signals. The detector is gated to detect the OH fluorescenceafter the laser pulse has cleared the detection cell. A reference cell containingOH shows when the laser is on and off resonance with the OH transition.
An in-flight calibration system creates OH and HO2 outside thedetection chamber inlet and is currently used to monitor the relative sensitivitiesof the two axes. The absolute uncertainty, which is determinedin the laboratory and maintained in flight with monitors, is ± 40%, with 90% confidence. The minimum detectable mixing ratio(S/N =2, 60 seconds) is <0.005 pptv (or <105 molecules cm-3)for OH and <0.06 pptv for HO2 above 2 km altitude. All data are collected at 5 Hz. OH andHO2 signals are statistically significant at 5 Hz in plumes, butthey must be integrated for more than 20 seconds in clean air to get statisticalsignificance. ATHOS can detect OH and HO2 in clear air and lightclouds from Earth's surface to the lower stratosphere.
Reference Publications
Brune, W.H., P.S. Stevens, and J.H. Mather, Measuring OH and HO2 in the troposphere by laser-induced fluorescence at low pressure, J. Atmos.Sci., 52, 3328-3336, 1995.
Brune, W.H., I.C. Faloona, D. Tan, A.J. Weinheimer, T. Campos, B.A. Ridley,S.A. Vay, J.E. Collins, G.W. Sachse, L. Jaegle, and D. J. Jacob, Airbornein situ OH and HO2 observations in the cloud-free troposphereand lower stratosphere during SUCCESS, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 1701,1998.
Tan, D., I. Faloona, W. H. Brune, A. Weinheimer, T. Campos, B. Ridley, S. Vay,
J. Collins, and G. Sachse, In situ meaurements of HOx in
aircraft exhaust plumes and contrails during SUCCESS, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
25, 1721, 1998.