Time constraints required this flight to be flown directly between Yokota and Midway, although extensive in-progress vertical sampling was planned. The DC-8, which was headed for Kona, also planned to fly the same path between Yokota and Midway initiating profiles at 150E, 165E, and 180E. To complement the DC-8, low altitude sampling for the P-3B was planned to coincide with the DC-8's high altitude legs and vice versa.
Results: On the initial leg of 18 Kft out of Yokota, stratospheric air was sampled with O3 up to 160 ppbv, NOy ~600 ppbv, and CO ~70 ppbv. Following this, 3 profiles were completed along the flight track to Midway. These profiles revealed mild pollution below the inversion at ~5000 feet with CO between 130 to 200 ppbv, cleaner air above with CO mostly near or below 100 ppbv, and more polluted air at higher altitudes generally above 16 Kft with CO generally above 200 ppbv with brief episodes over 300 ppbv. On the second profile, a layer of stratospherically influenced air (e.g., O3 up to 130 ppbv) was observed between 6.5 and 10.5 Kft.