Measurements of NO2, and O3 on the P3-B during Pem Tropics-B

B. Ridley and J. Walega

National Center for Atmospheric Research

Boulder, CO

The four channel instrument was recently constructed and uses standard principles of NO/O3 chemiluminescence as the detection scheme. Three of the channels will be used during the PEM mission, one for meaurement of NO, one for measurement of NO2 using a broad-band (325-450 nm) photolysis converter, and one for measurement of O3 using pure NO rather than excess O3 as the reagent gas. The gas residence time in the cooled (5 °C) photolysis cell will be 1-2 sec and the photolytic efficiency for NO2 will be 50-60%. The NO and NO2 channels have sensitivities to NO of 6-7 cps/pptv at a reaction cell presssure of 7 torr. Photon counts will be recorded at 1-sec intervals but, except for O3, the data will have to be averaged over 1-min intervals to meet the required detection limits of 3 pptv for NO and yy for NO2. Ozone data will be available for 1-sec accumulations with a precision better than 0.5 ppbv and an estimated accuracy of 5% or 2-3 ppbv whichever is larger. The NO and NO2 channels are calibrated in-flight while the O3 instrument is calibrated before flight using a comercial calibrator.


Distributions of NO, NOx, NOy, and O3 to 12 km altitude during the summer monsoon season over New Mexico, B. A. Ridley et al., J. Geophys. Res., 99, 25,529-25,534, 1994.

A small, high-sensitivity, medium-response ozone detector suitable for measurements from light aircraft, B. A. Ridley, F. E. Grahek, and J. G. Walega, J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 9, 142-148, 1992.