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PEM-Tropics B Manuscipts in Preparation/Future Efforts |
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are listed in BOLD RED)
ANDERSON (ANDERSON)-Impact of Atmospheric Aerosols upon the Radiative Budget of the Central Pacific Region. Anderson, B., W. Grant, W. Cofer, M.A. Owens, A. Clarke, and E. Browell.
BRUNE (BRUNE)-Sunrise and Sunset Variations of OH and HO2 during PEM-Tropics B. Brune, W. et al.
CHANG (HEIKES)-Wind Dependence of the Ozone Chemical Enhancement Factor used to Model Ozone Deposition to the Ocean. Chang, W. and B. Heikes.
CHEN (DAVIS)-A Case Study of Boundary Layer/Buffer Layer HOx and O3 Photochemical Budgets Based on P-3B Airborne Observations during PEM-Tropics B. Chen, G., D. Davis, L. Wang, J. Crawford, F. Eisele, L. Mauldin, B. Ridley, R. Shetter, B. Heikes, D. Sullivan, D. Blake, I. Simpson, B. Anderson, and T. Clarke.
CRAWFORD (CRAWFORD)-Lagrangian Study of Ozone Photochemistry in the Equatorial Pacific Marine Boundary Layer. Crawford, Olson, Owens, Sachse, Vay, Anderson, Barrick, Davis, Chen, Sandholm, Fuelberg, Heikes, Blake, Singh, Talbot, Brune, Tan, and Shetter.
DAVIS (DAVIS)-A case study of the sulfur budget based on P-3 flight 16 during PEM Tropica-B. Davis, D.D., G. Chen
DAVIS (DAVIS)-Sulfur Chemistry from Flight 16. Davis, D.
DIBB (TALBOT)-Airborne Sampling of Aerosol Particles: Comparison between Surface Sampling at Christmas Island and P-3Sampling during PEM Tropics B. Dibb, J.E., R.W. Talbot, G. Seid, C. Jordan, E. Scheuer, E. Atlas, N.J. Blake and D.R. Blake.
EVANS (NEWELL)-Possible Implications of Tropospheric Structure for Eulerian Chemistry Transport Models. Cause for Concern. Evans, M., V. Thouret, R.E. Newell et al.
MAULDIN (EISELE)-Sulfuric and Methane Sulfonic Acid Measurements during PEM Tropics-B and their Relation to Aerosols. Mauldin, Eisele, Cantrell, Tanner, Nowak, Kosciuch and (Chen and Davis and/or Weber and Clarke).
NEWELL (NEWELL)-A Brunt-Väisälä Oscillation in the Equatorial Region Seen from the P-3B Measurements on 25 March 1999. Newell, Reginald E., John Y.N. Cho, Ali Aknan, John D.W. Barrick, and Glen W. Sachse.
NEWELL (NEWELL)-Origin and Destination of a Black Layer Encountered off California during PEM-Tropics B. Possible Implications for Future Aircraft Programs? Newell, Reginald E., Mathew J. Evans, Donald R. Blake, and Glen W. Sachse.
NEWELL (NEWELL)-The March 16, 1999 Stalactite. Newell, R.E., E. Browell et al.
NEWELL (NEWELL)-Tropical Radiative Heating Rates from Ozone and Water Vapor Lidar Observations. Newell, R.E., J.Y.N. Cho, E.V. Browell.
ONCLEY (ONCLEY)-Trace Gas Fluxes Obtained from Cannister Samples Using Co-spectral Similarity. Oncley, S.
O'SULLIVAN (HEIKES)-Seasonal Changes in the Distribution of Hydrogen Peroxide, Methylhydroperoxide, and Selected Compounds over the Pacific Ocean. O'Sullivan, D.W., B.G. Heikes, J. Snow, W. Chang, P. Burrow, M. Avery, D.R. Blake, G.W. Sachse, R.W. Talbot.
O'SULLIVAN (HEIKES)-Seasonal Variation in Peroxides over the Pacific: Observations from the Pacific Exploratory Missions. O' Sullivan, B. Heikes, J, Snow, Egli, Burrows, et al.
POUGATCHEV (SACHSE)-CO During PEM-Tropics B Mission. Pougatchev, N.S., G.W. Sachse, H.E. Fuelberg, C. Rinsland, N.B. Jones, P.C. Novelli, D. Jacob, and Jinxue Wang.
RAMAN (ANDERSON)-Background Concentrations of Fine Aerosol Particles in the Troposphere over the Pacific Basin during PEM Tropics-A. Raman, Sethu, B. Anderson, and V. Connors.
RAVETTA (JACOB)-Chemical Budgets of HOx and NOx Radicals in the South Pacific Troposphere and Implications for Ozone. Ravetta, F., D. Jacob, W. Brune, B. Heikes, B. Anderson, M. Owens, G.W. Sachse, S.T. Sandholm, R.W. Talbot, D.R. Blake, H.B. Singh, and R.E. Shetter.
RODRIGUEZ (SZE)-Photochemistry of HOx Species in the Pacific Basin. Rodriguez, J.M., W. Hu, M.K. Ko, Y. Zhang, R. Kotamarthi, N.D. Sze, W. Brune, I. Faloona, and D. Tan.
SNOW (HEIKES)-The Influence of Precipitation and Convection on Trace Gases H2O2, CH3OOH, and CH2O. Snow, Julie A., Brian G. Heikes, Daniel W. O'Sullivan, Peter J. Egli, Robert Talbot and Donald R. Blake.
TALBOT (TALBOT)-A Volcanic Plume over the Eastern Pacific? Talbot, R.W., J.E. Dibb, E. Scheuer, S. Sandholm, D. Blake, J. Poldolske, S. Vay, M. Owens, and B. Anderson.
TALBOT (TALBOT)-Reactive Nitrogen in the Upper Troposphere Over the South Pacific: Contributions from Marine and Lightning Sources. Talbot, R.W., J.E. Dibb, E. Scheuer, S. Sandholm, D. Blake, E. Atlas, H. Singh, J. Poldolske, S. Vay, M. Owens, B. Anderson, and H. Fuelberg.
THORNTON (BANDY)-Observations on the Diurnal Cycles of DMS and SO2 in the Tropical Pacific Troposphere. Thornton, D.C., and A. Bandy.
WESTBERG (BENDURA)-A Comparison of the Airmass Origins of CO and O3 Between the 1977-78 GAMETAG and the 1996 PEM Tropics-A & 1999 PEM Tropics-B Field Mission. Westberg, David J., M. Avery, S. Vay, D. Davis, and G. Chen.
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