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PEM-West A&B Data Archive CD-ROM
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This two volume CD set contains the data archive from the NASA Global Tropospheric
Experiment (GTE) Pacific Exploratory Mission in the northwestern Pacific region, phases A & B
(PEM-West A & B) and the East Asia/North Pacific Regional Study (APARE). While each CD
contains descriptive, and in some cases duplicate information on each field mission, Volume I is focused on the data archive for PEM-West A and the concurrent APARE mission, and Volume II
is focused on the data archive for PEM-West B and the concurrent APARE mission.
The data on these CD-ROMs consist of in situ and remotely sensed measurements collected onboard the
DC-8 aircraft; in situ measurements collected aboard the NIES aircraft; radiosonde and ozonesonde
balloon soundings; satellite images with the DC-8 flight tracks; calculations of air parcel back trajectories
and meteorological parameters along the DC-8 flight paths; data files of DC-8 in situ measurements
merged to several common time bases; and ground based in situ measurements from the PEM-West,
PEACAMPOT and CATS programs as well as ground based measurements from stations sponsored by
the Peoples Republic of China. Modeling products were also submitted to the
PEM-West/APARE Archive but have not been included on these CD-ROMs. The modeling products associated with PEM-West A can be obtained through the GTE Archive site at:
and for PEM-West B at:
These CD-ROMs are organized and presented using HTML and can be navigated using a standard
browser, such as Explorer or Netscape. Note that while all
GTE PEM-West data (with the exception of the modeling results) are contained on this CD-ROM, there
are some active links within some of the HTML documentation contained herein that will link to the
GTE Home Page.