of Selected Reactive Nitrogen and Oxygenated Species: Description of the PANAK
Instrument System
PANAK (PAN-Aldehydes-Ketones) instrument package is a fully computerized
airborne three channel Gas Chromatographic system designed for the collection
and analysis of low-ppt levels of PANs, alkyl nitrates, tertrachloroethene, C2-C3
aldehydes, C1-C2 alcohols, and C3-C4
ketones. The instrument can be
expanded to measure higher homologues of oxygenates as well as acetonitrile and
hydrogen cyanide. The system consists of computer controlled instrument
functions for sample drying, collection, and processing as well as data
collection. Pressure variations on
the instrument system during flight are minimized by use of absolute valves to
maintain a constant pressure. The
PANAK system constantly draws five liters/min sample air through a heated Teflon
lined probe and manifold from which each of the three instrument channels draws
a 200ml aliquot of sample air. The air sample is then cooled cryogenically to
-140 ˚C in a trap for pre concentration of its constituents.
In the case of the oxygenate channe,l most of the sample moisture is
removed by passing the flow through a –35 ˚C degree cold trap before pre
concentration. After pre
concentration the traps are switched in line with the gas chromatographic
columns and desorbed for component separation and detection. The PAN channels use short packed Carbowax columns with ECD
detectors, while the oxygenate channel uses DB wax capillary columns with a
Photo Ionization Detector placed in series with a Reduction Gas Detector.
All calibrations are performed in-flight by using an installed dilution
system and in a manner that mimics ambient air sampling.
Primary standards are generally referred to a series of permeation tubes.
In addition high concentration standards are also carried
on board. Sensitivities
under typical conditions are: PANs-1-3 ppt, alkyl nitrates-1-5 ppt, acetone-5
ppt, other oxygenates-15 ppt. Accuracies
of the order of ±25% are expected. A
schematic of this instrument is provided below.