
TRACE-P Science Team

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Name Organization Role
Bruce E. Anderson NASA Langley Experimental Investigation
Eric C. Apel NCAR Experimental Investigation
Elliot L. Atlas NCAR Experimental Investigation
Melody A. Avery and Stephanie A. Vay NASA Langley Experimental Investigation
Alan R. Bandy Drexel University Experimental Investigation
Donald R. Blake University of California – Irvine Experimental Investigation
Edward V. Browell NASA Langley Experimental Investigation
William H. Brune Pennsylvania State University Experimental Investigation
Christopher A. Cantrell NCAR Experimental Investigation
Gregory R. Carmichael University of Iowa Theoretical Investigation
Antony D. Clarke University of Hawaii Experimental Investigation
James H. Crawford NASA Langley Theoretical Investigation and Deputy Mission Scientist
Douglas D. Davis Georgia Institute of Technology Theoretical Investigation
Fred L. Eisele Georgia Institute of Technology Experimental Investigation
Johann Feichter Max-Planke-Institut fur Meteorologie Meteorological Analysis
Frank Flocke NCAR Experimental Investigation
Alan Fried NCAR Experimental Investigation
Henry E. Fuelberg Florida State University Meteorological Analysis and
Co-Mission Meteorologist
Brian G. Heikes University of Rhode Island Experimental Investigation
Daniel J. Jacob Harvard University Theoretical Investigation and Mission Scientist
Makoto Koike Nagoya University Experimental Investigation
Yutaka Kondo Nagoya University Experimental Investigation
Reginald E. Newell MIT Meteorological Analysis and
Co-Mission Meteorologist
Samuel J. Oltmans NOAA Experimental Investigation
Michael J. Prather University of California – Irvine Theoretical Investigation
Daniel D. Riemer University of Miami Experimental Investigation
Glen W. Sachse NASA Langley Experimental Investigation
Scott T. Sandholm Georgia Institute of Technology Experimental Investigation
Richard E. Shetter NCAR Experimental Investigation
Hanwant B. Singh NASA Ames Experimental Investigation
Robert W. Talbot University of New Hampshire Experimental Investigation
Anne M. Thompson NASA Goddard Satellite Data Analysis and Meteorological Analysis
Charles R. Trepte NASA Langley Satellite Data Analysis
Rodney J. Weber Georgia Institute of Technology Experimental Investigation

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