Trajectories and Meteorological Variables

Henry Fuelberg, John Hannan
Florida State University


We will make available both digital data and imagery. The digital data is for display on the CAVE and consists of meteorological variables (winds,  temp, humidity) and trajectory data. For these data, we're looking at ~75-80 mb per day (once daily) through ftp. We will also make forecast met products available on the web at:

In the event of no ftp or CAVE, we will fax hard copies of analyses, forecast products, and trajectories.

We will be transferring data to the field at ~midnight EST (0500 UTC).  Processing time after that is simply the time it takes to ingest into CAVE.

In the field, the data will be handled primarily by Henry Fuelberg (FSU) and John Holdzkom (VRCO). A printer will be necessary, particularly for downloaded met products.