OH and HO2 measurements with the Airborne Tropospheric Hydrogen
Oxides Sensor
on the DC-8
Investigator: William H. Brune, Pennsylvania State University, University
Park, PA
Monica Martinez-Harder, Hartwig Harder
The Airborne Tropospheric Hydrogen Oxides Sensor (ATHOS) measures OH
and HO2 from the NASA DC-8. This instrument detects OH by laser
induced fluorescence (LIF) in detection chambers at low pressure and detects
HO2 by chemical conversion with NO followed by LIF detection. The
demonstrated detection limit (S/N=2, 5 min.) for OH is about 0.005 pptv (1X105
at 2 km altitude)
and for HO2 is 0.05 pptv (1X106
at 2 km altitude). We will use ATHOS to measure OH,
HO2, and HO2/OH during TRACE-P, analyze these results by
comparing them against fundamental relationships and computer models, and
publish the analyses. As participants in a tower-based study this summer, we
are developing an attachment to ATHOS to detect RO2+ HO2-.
It may be tested well enough to include as an attachment for TRACE-P.
TRACE-P HO, measurements will help develop a clearer picture of the
atmospheric oxidation and O3
production that
occur as Asian pollution spreads across the Pacific Ocean.
We anticipate both new results and confirmation of previous results.
Besides contributing to the science goals outlined in the TRACE-P NRA, HOx,
measurements will be combined with simultaneous measurements of environmental
factors and other chemical species to test the following hypotheses:
Asian outflow contains a unique mixture of HOx sources; these, in combination with outflow and lightning NOx can shift large regions of the Pacific troposphere from being ozone-destroying toward being ozone producing.
As Asian outflow mixes with cleaner Pacific air, ozone production that is calculated from HO2 and NO measurements is greater than that calculated by chemical transport models.
Atmospheric oxidation over the western tropical Pacific is affected by
the evolution of Asian outflow, but whether it is increased or decreased depends
on the composition of the outflow and the influence of convection on that
Asian aerosols influence HO. and atmospheric oxidation; they must be
considered when calculating the influence of the Asian outflow on the
photochemistry of the Pacific troposphere.
The outflow of HOx sources into the Pacific free troposphere
has greater influence on increasing ozone production than does the NOx
outflow because of the greater horizontal range of HO. sources compared to that
of NOx and the availability of NOx from lightning.
TRACE-P will add to a growing body of HO. data that we have collected
with ATHOS and GTHOS, the towered-based configuration of ATHOS that we use for
near-surface studies. ATHOS has participated in SUCCESS (1996), SONEX (1997),
PEM Tropics B (1999), and SOLVE (1999-2000). GTHOS has participated in PROPHET,
at a semi-rural heavily forested site in northern lower Michigan in summer, 1998
and in Nashville SOS, in the urban plume of Nashville in summer, 1999. These
measurements are giving us a view of HO. photochemistry for a wide range of HOx
sources, NOx levels, and hydrocarbon loadings. TRACE-P allows us to
sample the influence of urban-level, processed pollution on a low-hydrocarbon,
pristine environment, a condition that we have not previously studied
An exciting aspect of TRACE-P is the connection between the aircraft and
satellite observations. While instruments on the Terra and ENVISAT satellites
cannot measure OH and HO2, they can measure chemical species that have great
influence on HOx, such as CO, O3,
and NO2
(a measure of NO). By comparing the satellite and aircraft measurements for a
wide range of environments, we should be able to construct parameterizations of
atmospheric oxidation and ozone production.