Measurement and Characterization of
Selected Organic Gases and Aerosol
Composition during TRACE-P
E. Atlas and F. Flocke, NCAR
Proposed Investigation:
Activity 1: Gas-phase organic measurement.
1) Continue collaboration with the UCI group to maintain
continuity in the
measurement of organic nitrates, HCFC's, HFCs, and selected
2) Using NCAR analytical protocol, measure organic
nitrates, HCFC's, HFC's,
and halocarbons on a subset (5-10%) of samples (from both
P3 and DC8
aircraft) collected by UCI.
3) Based on the target compound analyses, or other inflight
select representative samples for full-scan GC/MS
characterization of
organic constituents
Activity 2: Aerosol organic measurements.
1) Prepare suitable sample substrates and hardware for
collection of
organic aerosols using the UNH Aerosol Probe
2) In collaboration with the UNH group, collect samples for
analysis during selected flight segments representative of
outflow and background regimes.
3) Using appropriate extraction, derivatization, and
separation techniques,
analyze samples for selected lipid class and water soluble
organic components
4) On larger volume samples, collected at ground sites,
characterize the water soluble organic species using
derivatization and GC/MS/MS techniques.
Elliot Atlas
NCAR/Atmospheric Chemistry
Ph: 303-497-1425 Fax: 303-497-1477