This flight between Hong Kong and Okinawa was planned to include a northbound leg along 124.5E beginning at 22N to the east of Taiwan stretching into the Yellow Sea up to 37N, then south again into Okinawa. Model products predicted strong low level outflow north of 25N and centered between 4-12Kft.
Results: On the initial ascent from Hong Kong, an interesting layered structure was observed in CO, O3, NOy, and CN. 10 distinct layers were observed between the inversion (4.5Kft) and 19Kft. Moving eastward to the south of Taiwan, the atmosphere was fairly clean at all altitudes as expected. The first polluted conditions were encountered on a descent to the surface with CO exceeding 200 ppbv below 4000 ft. At 500 ft, NOy exceeded 3 ppbv and NO was sustained in the 300-500 pptv range. During this time northerly winds were encountered although southerly winds were forecast. Over the Yellow Sea, CO maximized between 3000-7000 ft with sustained values above 400 ppbv and periods above 600 ppbv. Below 3000 ft, CO was less, around 200 ppbv. Conversely, NOy and SO2 were maximized near the surface at ppbv levels.