Data Archive Format
GTE Project Office
Mail Stop 483
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Langley Research Center
Hampton, VA 23681-0001
June, 1998
Data Archive Format
June, 1998
Prepared by
Dennis W. Owen
Revised by
Ali A. Aknan1 and A. Don Scott2
In Partial Fulfillment of NAS1-19570
1Science Applications International Corporation
2NASA Langley Research Center
Atmospheric Studies Branch
Table of Contents
The data format described herein is designed to provide
a file structure that effectively utilizes computer storage media for the
exchange of data for scientific analysis. Recognizing that the variety of
GTE measurement techniques span a large dynamic data range, every attempt
has been made to meet the needs of scientists that generate either large
or small data sets. The GTE Data Archive Format is intended to
satisfy both the data archive and data exchange requirements of the GTE
field expeditions.
Files must be in ASCII. All data should be numeric,
separated by commas. Each aircraft PI shall submit a minimum of one file
per flight. Whenever possible, data shall be submitted to the GTE Data
Archive via electronic transfer. Suitable media include File Transfer
Protocol (FTP), electronic mail (E-mail), and IBM-compatible diskettes
(3.5" High Density preferable). The file size should be compatible
with the submitting media limitations. Therefore, if the ASCII file size
is greater than 1.44 mb, it should either be compressed before being
submitted on 3.5" disks, or it should be submitted via FTP or E-mail.
If data are compressed using non-standard compression software, either the
un-compressing programs must be included with the data, or the data should
be in executable form (.EXE file extension). Large files can be most
easily accommodated via electronic submissions directly into the GTE
Archives (Refer to Section V. FTP Protocol for GTE Data Exchange). As
mediums of data exchange are constantly being upgraded and amended, and as
new mediums of exchange introduced, the GTE Data Archive Office will
continue to upgrade and change its data exchange processes when feasible.
Any medium of exchange differing from those mentioned in this document
should be approved by the GTE Data Archive Office prior to data submittal.
A file containing header records in the GTE Data Archive
format shall be submitted with each mission data set. The file shall
describe the data submitted, how to locate and access it, and the data
file structure. See Section I.B. Common File Structure for more
information and guidance on constructing the file.
The requirement to submit files of header records to
describe both the data and data access procedures applies also to hardcopy
A GTE Archive file is composed of two sections: a HEADER
SECTION, which contains all the information with which to process the
file; and the DATA SECTION, which contains the data in the prescribed GTE
Data Archive format. The file naming convention, header and data format
descriptions are detailed in Section 2 of this document.
In order to facilitate the exchange of data among the
GTE investigators and the scientific community at large, the GTE format
requires that all datasets be referenced by time. Time data is composed of
the Julian day of the year and the seconds of the day, both referenced to
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). When a reporting period extends past GMT
midnight (86,400 seconds), increment the Julian day of year and reset the
time to zero. See Section II.C Dataset Types for an explanation of the
different time reporting options.
Aircraft PI's should submit a file for each aircraft
mission. If no data are submitted to the archive for a particular mission,
the PI shall in any case submit a file containing the Header section of
the GTE Data Archive format. The PI shall use comment records to explain
the reasons no data are provided for the mission. The requirement to
submit files of header records to describe both the data and data access
procedures applies also to hardcopy submittals.
This section contains a detailed description of the
format for each header record. The header records should supply all
information needed to read and interpret the data records. Even if the
actual data are not included in the file, the header records should
include the parameters as noted and information needed to identify and
locate the data files.
II.A. Definition of Header Records
Each line of the header section is reserved for specific
information. These headers will be scanned by computer programs;
therefore, all data must be in the format as described in order to be
correctly interpreted. The following sections define each line of the
Header Record Format.
Line 1. Number of Lines in the Header (NH)
The first line in the header contains the number of
lines in the header section (NH). The first line of data = NH + 1.
Line 2. File Name:
The second line in the header contains the name of the
dataset file. The data file naming convention for the GTE is as follows:
PP = 2-character code identifying PI. See Table-1 for appropriate code.
TTT = 3-character code identifying data set or
instrument technique.
L = Location code: 'D' for DC-8 aircraft, 'P' for P3-B,
'E' for Electra aircraft. Codes for other locations will be provided by
the GTE Project Office.
XX = 2-digit numeric mission descriptor . For a flight,
XX = flight number; for ground-based data, this may be a sample number or
day identifier.
EXP = Expedition Code. See Table-2 for
appropriate code.
NOTE: For aircraft
investigators, each landing constitutes a new flight. Flights are named by
integer numbers only (i.e. there can not be a flight named 21A or 21.1).
If there are several flights on a day, each flight will receive a separate
numeric identifier.
Examples follow:
DU_SUD01.PWB = Drexel University sulfur data for DC-8
Flight 1, for the PEM West-B Expedition (Replace any unused code letters
with an underline "_")
POM10D05.TRA = Project Navigational/Meteorological
10-second data for DC-8 Flight 5, for the TRACE-A Expedition
Line 3. Principal Investigator
Line 3 contains the PI Last Name, First Name,
and Institution. Always separate items by commas.
Line 4. Species Measured / Technique Used.
Line 4 contains a brief summary of the species measured
and the method employed for this sampling. For example, nonmethane
hydrocarbons should be entered here rather than listing each species. Use
only one line.
Line 5. Expedition Name
The Official name for this expedition. Please refer to
Table-2 for Expedition Names and their abbreviations.
Line 6. Data Start Date, Date Last Revised (YY,MM,DD,YY,MM,DD)
Line 6 contains two dates. Report the start date for
this dataset, followed by the date of last revision, both in the format
Line 7. Number for this Flight, or Sequential Dataset Number (NF)
Line 7 contains a unique number for this dataset (NF).
For aircraft datasets, this number is the number for this flight. For
ground-based datasets, this is usually a sequential number starting at "01"
for the first dataset submitted.
Line 8. Number of Variables Reported in this Dataset (NV)
For most standard datasets, the number of variables
remains constant for each line in the dataset (Dataset Types 1, 2, 4 and
6). In those cases, NV = number of variables for each dataset submitted.
Several dataset types are defined which include a matrix of data whose
dimensions may vary between dataset records. For these datasets, the
matrix variable is considered as a single variable and is always the last
variable reported in the list. The variable or variables immediately
proceeding the dimensioned variable will contain the number of elements in
the matrix. In these cases, NV = number of unique variables for each
record in the dataset, with the matrix being considered as a single
variable. Refer to Header Sample Descriptions 3 and 5 for a complete
explanation and examples of this variable.
Line 9. Number of Comments (NC)
Line 9 contains the number of comment lines included in
the header for this dataset. Comment lines should include any pertinent
information needed to help the scientific community correctly interpret
the dataset, such as accuracy, precision and limits of detection of the
instrument (where applicable).
Line 10. Dataset Type (DT)
The GTE Data Archive Format currently supports seven (7)
Dataset Types, numbered from 0 to 6. The seven Dataset Types are:
Data Type = 0 : Non-standard reporting of time.
Data Type = 1 : Standard reporting of time as the
midpoint of a standard averaging period.
Data Type = 2 : Standard reporting of time as start,
stop, and midpoint of a non-standard averaging period.
Data Type = 3 : Vertical Column Sample. Non-standard sampling using a variable number of sampling points in the sample.
Data Type = 4 : Vertical Column Sample. Standard
submission for sonde data.
Data Type = 5 : Gridded Dataset. Submission standards
for mapping products such as the AVHRR Fire Counts maps.
Data Type = 6 : Trajectory Dataset. Trajectory data
follows a particular air parcel over a finite period of time and records
values at regular intervals over the period.
Refer to Section II.C. Dataset Types for a complete
description and examples of the seven dataset types.
Line 11. Data Averaging Period
Refer to Section III.A. Time Reference.
Line 12. Data Sampling Frequency (Hertz)
Enter the instrument sampling frequency, in hertz. Data
recorded at 1 sample/second = 1 Hz; 5 samples/second = 5 Hz; 1 sample
every 5 seconds = 0.2 Hz.; 1 sample / minute = 1/60 = 0.0167 Hz. Enter "0"
here for instruments having non-standard sampling periods. For Data Type =
6, replace this variable with the number of Samples per Trajectory.
Lines 13 thru Line 13+NV-1 contain the definition of variables used
in the dataset as described in section II.B.
Each variable is defined on a separate line in the
Header. Each variable definition is composed of a minimum of eight (8)
parameters, separated by commas. The eight required parameters are:
Variable Name, Units, ScaleFactor, Offset, Minimum,
Maximum, Null Code, LOD Code
If Limits of Detection (LOD's) are used in the dataset,
then an additional four parameters are added to the end of the above
definition line:
Lower LOD Code, Lower LOD Value, Upper LOD Code,
Upper LOD Value
Variable Definition in the Header:
Item 1. Variable Name: Name of Data Variable.
(Time, Day, Chemical Species, etc..)
Item 2. Units: Units of Data Variable.
Item 3. ScaleFactor: Scale Factor (Gain) of Data
Item 4. Offset: Offset of Data Variable.
Item 5. Minimum: This is the Reported Minimum
Value found for this variable in the dataset (excluding Null and LOD
codes), not an absolute minimum value that could be experienced for this
variable. For TIME, use the first sample time reported in the dataset. The
actual Minimum Value (Engineering Units)is computed using the ScaleFactor
and Offset given for the variable, such that :
Minimum Value (Engineering Units) = Reported Minimum
Value * ScaleFactor + Offset
Item 6. Maximum: This is the Reported Maximum
Value (Engineering Units) found for this variable in the dataset
(excluding Null and LOD codes), not an absolute maximum value that could
be experienced for this variable. For TIME, use the last sample time
reported in the dataset. The actual Maximum Value (Engineering Units) is
computed using the ScaleFactor and Offset given for the
variable, such that :
Maximum Value (Engineering Units) = Reported Maximum
Value * ScaleFactor + Offset
Item 7. Null Code: This code is used for missing
or bad data. This code is composed of a series of negative nines (-9's)
which will be outside the range of actual data or one digit larger
when the actual Minimum Value is negative. No ScaleFactor and
Offset are applied to this Code. The code reported here should be to
the same number of significant digits as the actual archived Data
NOTE: Scale factors and
offsets are applied on ALL reported data, such that:
Data Value (Engineering Units) = ReportedData
Value * ScaleFactor + Offset
This means that ScaleFactors and Offsets are
first applied on the archived data to arrive at the true data value, in
Engineering Units. It is preferable that data be submitted such that Scale
Factors = 1 and Offsets = 0.
Example 1. Variable Name
= Static Air Temp, Units = DegC, Scale Factor = 1.0, Offset = 0.0,
Reported Maximum Value = 59.9, Reported Minimum Value = 8.5, LOD
Code = 0 (see Item 8); therefore, variable definition:
Static Air Temp, DegC, 1.0, 0.0, 8.5, 59.9, -9.9, 0
NOTE: The Null Code is beyond the range of actual data.
Example 2. Variable Name
= Static Air Temp, Units = DegC, Scale Factor = 1.0, Offset = 0.0,
Reported Maximum Value = 59.9, Reported Minimum Value = -125.4,
LOD Code = 0; therefore, variable definition:
Static Air Temp, DegC, 1.0, 0.0, -125.4, 59.9,
-9999.9, 0
Example 3. Variable Name
= Static Air Temp, Units = DegC, Scale Factor = 10.0, Offset =
0.0, Reported Maximum Value = 5.99, Reported Minimum Value =-12.54,
LOD Code = 0; therefore, variable definition:
Static Air Temp, DegC, 10.0, 0.0, -12.54, 5.99,
-9999.9, 0
NOTE: The Null Code is one digit larger than the Actual Data Minimum
(-12.54 *10.0 + 0.0 = -125.4).
Item 8. LOD Code : Acceptable values are 0, 1, or 2.
0 : There are no Limits of Detection given for this variable.
1 : The Limits of Detection for this variable are varying with time. Items 10 and 12 are pointers to variables in the dataset which contain the actual LOD Values for this variable. See Items 9-12 for further explanation of this code.
2 : The Limits of Detection for this Variable are
constants. Items 10 and 12 contain the actual LOD Values for this
Items 9-12 are used only when Limits of Detection are given (i.e., LOD Code = 1 or 2).
Item 9. Lower Limit of Detection Code (L_LOD Code) :
This code is used when Lower Limit of Detection for this
variable is to be reported. This code is composed of a series of negative
eights (-8's) which will be outside the range of actual data or one
digit larger when the actual Minimum Value is negative. No
ScaleFactor and Offset are applied to this Code. The code reported
here should be to the same number of significant digits as the
actual Reported Data Value.
Item 10 : Lower Limit of Detection Value (L_LOD
If LOD Code = 1, L_LOD Value = Variable column number containing the actual L_LOD Values.
If LOD Code = 2, L_LOD Value = Actual Lower LOD Value.
Item 11 : Upper Limit of Detection Code (U_LOD Code)
This code is used when Upper Limit of Detection for this
variable is to be reported. This code is composed of a series of negative
sevens (-7's) which will be outside the range of actual data or one
digit larger when the actual Minimum Value is negative. No
ScaleFactor and Offset are applied to this Code. The code reported
here should be to the same number of significant digits as the
actual Reported Data Value.
Item 12 : Upper Limit of Detection Value (U_LOD
If LOD Code = 1, U_LOD Value = Variable column number containing the actual U_LOD Values.
If LOD Code = 2, U_LOD Value = Actual Upper LOD Value.
NOTE: Scale factors and
offsets are applied on reported LOD Values, such that :
LOD Value (Engineering Units) = Reported LOD Value *
ScaleFactor + Offset
Examples of LOD Codes:
LOD Code = 0
No LOD's for this variable.
LOD Code = 1
This code assumes the Limits of Detection for this
flight were changing with time. Assume this is Var_3, and data reported
has one significant digit, with Min = 2.1; Max = 155.8; Scale Factor =
1.0, and Offset = 0.0; the actual limits of detection values are stored in
column 4 of this dataset. Therefore:
L_LOD Code = -8.8 (beyond the normal data range)
U_LOD Code = -7.7
L_LOD Value = 4. Var_4(t) contains the actual L_LOD Values when Var_3(t) = -8.8.
U_LOD Value = 4. Var_4(t) contains the actual U_LOD
Values when the Var_3(t) = -7.7.
NOTE: when Var_3(t)
contains real data, Var_4(t) should contain the Null Code (-9.9).
The variable definition in the Header:
Var_3's Name, Var_3's Units, 1.0, 0.0, 2.1, 155.8,
-9.9, 1, -8.8, 4, -7.7, 4
Thus, if Var_3(t) contains L_LOD Code (-8.8), instrument
has detected data below its lower limits of detection (L_LOD Value). Refer
to Var_4(t) for actual L_LOD Value for this time period. If Var_3(t)
contains U_LOD Code (-7.7), observed data are above the upper limits of
the instrument (U_LOD Value). Refer to Var_4(t) for the actual U_LOD Value
for this time period.
LOD Code = 2
This code assumes the Limits of Detection for this
flight were constant. Assume this is Var_3, and data reported has one
significant digit, with a Reported Min = 2.1; Max = 15.8; Scale Factor =
10.0, Offset = 0.0; Reported Lower limits of detection = 1.5; and
Upper limits of detection = 20. Therefore,
L_LOD Code = -8.8 (beyond the normal data range)
U_LOD Code = -7.7
L_LOD Value = 1.5.
U_LOD Value = 20.
The variable definition in the Header:
Var_3's Name, Var_3's Units, 10.0, 0.0, 2.1, 15.8,
-9.9, 2, -8.8, 1.5, -7.7, 20.0
Thus, if Var_3(t) contains L_LOD Code (-8.8), instrument
has detected data below its L_LOD Value. This L_LOD Value (15 = 10 * 1.5 +
0) is defined in the Header for this variable. Likewise, if Var_3 contains
U_LOD Code (-7.7), instrument has detected data above its U_LOD Value.
This U_LOD Value (200 = 10 * 20 + 0) is defined in the header for this
Lines 13 thru 13+NV-1 in the Header:
Line 13. Definition of the First Variable in the
Dataset : Var_1
This variable must be the Julian Day of the Year (GMT)
when the sample were taken. If the samples span two days, this is the
start day of the samples. A minimum of eight parameters are necessary for
this Variable Definition. They are:
Variable Name, Units, Scale, Offset, Minimum,
Maximum, Null Value, LOD Code
Line 14. Definition of the Second Variable in the
Dataset : Var_2
The second variable must be time in seconds, GMT. For
Data Type 1, this is the median time of the sampling period. For all other
Data Types, this is the Start Time of the sample. (The start time will be
null (-9's) in the case of data type 5). Refer to Section II.C for further
Line 15 Definition of the Third Variable in the
Dataset : Var_3
Refer to the Header Sample Descriptions (Figures 0-6)
for any standard definitions for this record.
Line 13+NV-1: Definition of the last variable in the
dataset, Var_NV
Line 13+NV: First line of Comments.
This line contains the first line of comments for this
header. If NC = 0, then there are no comment lines in the dataset.
Line 13+NV+NC-1: Last line of Comments.
This is the last line of comments for this header.
Line 13+NV+NC: First line of Data.
This is the first line of data for this dataset. This
location is the same as Number of Lines in the Header (NH)+1
(Header line 1 defines NH)
Data reporting frequency is a function of instrument
response, data processing, and the temporal variability of the measured
quantity. Some investigators sample at 1Hz or faster, while others employ
measurement techniques that require several minutes to obtain a sample,
such as grab samples. In order to facilitate the intercomparison of data
and merging of data sets for scientific studies, the GTE Data Archive
format provides standard reporting capabilities for instruments as diverse
as fast-response chemical measurements, grab samples, and processed fire
counts mapping from satellites. The GTE Data Archive Format currently
supports seven (7) Standard Dataset Types, numbered from 0 to 6. This
value is reported on line10 of the Header Record. A description of these
parameters follows.
Sample Description 0.(DT = 0) : Non-standard Dataset, Non-constant time increment. Time reported as the sampling time. Report "0" in the 12th header record for sampling frequency (see Variable Interval Time Reporting). This dataset type should be used by experimenters who take samples at irregular time intervals. The first two variables must be:
Var(1) : Julian Day of the Year (GMT)
Var(2) : Time (Seconds GMT) - Time of sample.
Refer to Header Sample Description 0 [FIGURE-0]
for an example of this dataset type.
Sample Description 1.(DT = 1) : Standard Dataset, Constant time increment. Time reported as the time of sample or midpoint of the averaging period. Time between 2 consecutive records must equal to the averaging period. If data is reported as collected, the averaging period should be the same as the sampling frequency. For example, if data was collected and reported at 2 Hz, the averaging period should be set to 0.5 and the sampling frequency to 2 (See Constant Interval Time Reporting for a discussion of midpoint reporting.) Most instruments using a constant time interval between samples can utilize this dataset type. The first two variables must be:
Var(1) : Julian Day of the Year (GMT)
Var(2) : Time (Seconds GMT) - Time of sample or Midpoint
of Averaging Period. See Constant Interval Time Format section.
Refer to Header Sample Description 1 [FIGURE-1]
for an example of this dataset type.
Sample Description 2.(DT=2)
: Standard Grab Sample, Non-standard time increment. The sampling
frequency and/or averaging period are non-constant (see Variable Interval
Time Reporting). For non-constant sampling frequency, report "0"
in the 12th header record. This dataset type should be used by
experimenters who take and report samples at non-constant sampling times
and periods. When reporting intervals are irregular, it is necessary to
report the sample start time, end time, and the midpoint time for each
record. The first four variables must be:
Var(1) : Julian Day of the Year (GMT) of the Sample Midpoint
Var(2) : Sample Start Time (Seconds of the Day, GMT)
Var(3) : Sample Stop Time (Seconds of the Day, GMT)
Var(4) : Sample Midpoint (Seconds of the Day, GMT)
Refer to Header Sample Description 2 [FIGURE-2] for
an example of this dataset type.
Sample Description 3.(DT
= 3) : Vertical Profile Sample, with a variable number of points in the
sample. Variable "nv" defines the number of variables, with the
last variable being an array dimensioned Var(nv). For example, if nv = 8,
then variable 8 contains the number to dimension the profile array
variable. The first two variables must be:
Var(1) : Julian Day of the Year (GMT) of the Sample Start Time
Var(2) : Sample Start Time (Seconds of the Day, GMT)
The final two variables must be:
Var(nv-1) : Number of profile data values for this sample
Var(nv) : Profile array, dimensioned Var(nv-1)
Refer to Header Sample Description 3 [FIGURE-3] for
an example of this dataset type.
Sample Description 4. (DT
= 4) : Vertical Profile Sample, Standard Sonde Data. This dataset type
follows the example of DT 1, except that time is not constant. The first
two variables must be:
Var(1) : Julian Day of the Year (GMT) of this altitude
Var(2) : Time of this altitude (Seconds of the Day, GMT)
Refer to Header Sample Description 4 [FIGURE-4] for
an example of this dataset type.
Sample Description 5.(DT
= 5) : Standard Gridded Data, Gridded Map Data. This dataset type is
constructed to enable investigators to submit satellite data to the
Archive, for example, AVHRR Fire Count data maps. It is assumed that these
datasets are geographically rectified to a given latitude and longitude at
a given time. This data type requires the following variables:
Var(1) : Start Julian Day of the Year (GMT)
Var(2) : Start Time of the Scan (Seconds, GMT)
Var(3) : Stop Julian Day of the Year (GMT)
Var(4) : Stop Time of the Scan (Seconds, GMT)
Var(5) : Start Latitude of the scan, Degrees North = positive
Var(6) : Start Longitude of the scan, Degrees East = positive
Var(7) : Latitude Increment , Degrees North . Add the Latitude Increment to the Start Latitude to find the second row of the scan. If the Latitude Increment is positive, scan is going from south to north; negative is north to south.
Var(8) : Longitude Increment, Degrees East. Add the Longitude Increment to the Start Longitude to find the second column of the scan. If the Longitude Increment is positive, the scan is going from west to east; negative is east to west.
Var(9) : Number of Rows of Latitude (NRows)
Var(10) : Number of Columns of Longitude (NCols) :
Var(11) : Pixel Data (NRows, NCols). The data is gridded
by Latitude (NRows) and Longitude (NCols) and is presented as scan lines
of longitude, one data record for each Latitude Increment. A simple decode
program flow for the data scans follows:
DIM PixelData(NRows,NCols)
FOR i = 1 to NRows
' read in a line of data for a constant Latitude
For j = 1 to NCols
INPUT filenumber, PixelData(i , j)
The dimensioned variable PixelData will now contain the
entire matrix of data for this image. Geographically rectify the image
using the Start Latitude and Start Longitude and incrementing each
correctly. Refer to Header Sample Description 5 [FIGURE-5] for an
example of this type of dataset.
Sample Description 6.(DT
= 6) : Standard Trajectory Dataset. Trajectory data report samples from a
particular air parcel over a finite period of time. Each trajectory in the
dataset must contain the same number of data points, defined by Header
Line 12. The first data line contains data from the trajectory end point,
corresponding to a selected aircraft time and position. Each following
line is the trajectory's position on the previous time step. Time steps
prior to the start time are all normalized according to the Data Averaging
Period defined in Header Line 11. Refer to Header Sample Description 6
[FIGURE-6] for an example of this type of dataset.
The Data Record section begins on line NH+1 (one line
after the header). For each record, data should be reported in the
sequence as stated in the Header Record. Each reported value in the
dataset utilizes the scale factor and offset for that variable so that
Reported DataValue *
ScaleFactor + Offset = Engineering Units
Only numeric values are acceptable as data for the
standard archive data types. Please contact the GTE Data Management Office
if your data cannot meet this criteria. It is preferable that data be
reported in engineering units such that Scale Factors = 1 and Offsets = 0.
If data is missing, or is above or below the Limits of Detection (LOD),
use the appropriate code as stated in the variable definition for that
variable in the header. These special codes should be entered exactly as
stated in the Variable Definition Section so that computer programs can
correctly determine validity. For example, if the null value is defined as
-9.99 for a variable in the Variable Definition Section, that value should
be used in the data for the null value. Scale factors and offsets are NOT
applied to any codes in the data.
Note that uncertainties (e.g., ) associated with a given
measurement may be included in the archive as a variable.
All data should be referenced to day of the year (Julian
Day) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT seconds of the day). When a reporting
period extends past GMT midnight (86,400 seconds), increment the Julian
day of year and reset the time to zero. Please refer to Section II.C.
Dataset Types for a complete list of required variables for each dataset.
Report the Data Averaging Period in the 11th header
record. For a 10-second reporting interval, report data at 5-second time
ticks; i.e., 5, 15, 25,... GMT seconds. Thus, the data value reported at
15 seconds represents the average value in the interval equal to or
greater than 10 seconds and less than 20 seconds.
For 60-second data (1-minute averages), the reporting times should be at 30-second time ticks; i.e., 30, 90, 150,... GMT seconds. Thus, the data value reported at 90 seconds represents the average value in the interval equal to or greater than 60 seconds and less than 120 seconds. Data reported in 60-second time intervals would be reported in the same format as for 10-second reporting, except the data reporting interval in header record 12 would be 60.
For other constant time intervals, time ticks of the
data reporting interval should be consistent with the 10-sec or 60-sec
Report "0" for the Data Averaging Period in
the 11th header record when reporting intervals are irregular.
FIGURE-0: Header Sample Description 0
Non-standard Dataset: Non-constant Time Increment
Record | Explanation | Sample Data Record |
1 |
NH |
19 |
2 |
FileName |
3 |
Experimenter name, Instit. |
Singh, Hanwant, NASA-ARC |
4 |
Species |
PAN/C2Cl4: GC |
5 |
Expedition |
PEM-Tropics |
6 |
Flt Date, Rev Date |
96,09,14,96,12,05 |
7 |
NF |
10 |
8 |
NV |
4 |
9 |
NC |
3 |
10 |
DT |
0 |
11 |
Avg Period |
0 |
12 |
Samp Freq |
0 |
13 |
Var(1) |
Day, Julian(GMT), 1, 0, 258, 258, -999, 0 |
13+1 |
Var(2) |
Time, Sec(GMT), 1, 0, 65251, 85486, -999, 0 |
13+2 |
Var(3) |
Pan, ppt, 1, 0, 4.4, 113.0, -999, 0 |
13+3 |
Var(4) |
c2cl4, ppt, 1, 0, 1.2, 4.1, -999, 0 |
13+nv |
Comment 1 |
time given is end of sampling period (subtract 150 secs to get start time) |
13+nv+1 |
Comment 2 |
data lines alternate between pan channel 1 & pan channel 2 |
13+nv+2 |
Comment 3 |
sampling period length is 150 seconds |
13+nv+nc or nh + 1 |
Data Rec 1 |
258,65251,4.4,3.4 |
nh + 2 |
Data Rec 2 |
258,65476,14.5,4.1 |
nh +3 |
Data Rec3 |
258,65941,13.2,2.3 |
FIGURE-1: Header Sample Description 1
Standard Dataset; Time at Midpoint
Record | Explanation | Sample Data Record |
1 |
NH |
61 |
2 |
FileName |
3 |
Experimenter name, Instit. |
John Bradshaw & Scott Sandholm, GA. INST. OF TECH. |
4 |
Species |
5 |
Expedition |
6 |
Flt Date, Rev Date |
92, 09, 21, 93, 06, 01 |
7 |
NF |
3 |
8 |
NV |
17 |
9 |
NC |
32 |
10 |
DT |
1 |
11 |
Avg Period |
90 |
12 |
Samp Freq |
1 |
13 |
Var(1) |
Day, Julian (GMT), 1, 0,265, 265, -999, 0 |
13+1 |
Var(2) |
Time, Sec (GMT), 1, 0, 63463, 72883, -999, 0 |
13+2 |
Var(3) |
[NO], (pptv), 1, 0,9.0, 595.0, -999.9, 1, -888.8, 9, -777.7, 9 |
13+3 |
Var(4) |
sigma_NO, (pptv), 1, 0, 2.7, 18.0, -999.9, 1, -888.8, 10, -777.7,10 |
13+4 |
Var(5) |
[NO2], (pptv), 1, 0, 34.5, 139.0, -999.9, 1, -888.8, 11, -777.7,11 |
13+5 |
Var(6) |
LV_[NO], (pptv), 1, 0, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, 0 |
13+6 |
Var(7) |
LV_NO_sigma, (pptv), 1, 0, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, 0 |
13+7 |
Var(8) |
LV_[NO2], (pptv), 1, 0, 30.4, 78.3, -999.9, 0 |
13+nv-1 |
Var(nv) |
NOy_com_code, , 1, 0 , 0, 6, -9,0 |
13+nv |
Comment 1 |
The variable names that start wi th a "LV" are limiting values, either an upper |
13+nv+1 |
Comment 2 |
or lower limit, (see the coding in the column for that molecule for details). |
13+nv+2 |
Comment 3 |
The reported time is the center point of the integration period. The data is |
13+nv+3 |
Comment 4 |
recorded at 30 seconds, the values reported are for 90 seconds signal |
13+nv+4 |
Comment 5 |
integration periods. Calibration uncertainty (accuracy) is estimated to be |
13+nv+5 |
Comment 6 |
approximately +/- 15% for [NO], +/-18% for [NO2], and +/-20% for [NOy] at the |
13+nv+6 |
Comment 7 |
95% confidence limit and should be treated as a random additive error term. |
13+nv+7 |
Comment 8 |
Sigma values represent measurement precision estimates based on photon |
13+nv+8 |
Comment 9 |
95% confidence limit and should be treated as a random additive error term. |
13+nv+nc-1 |
Comment nc |
COMMENT CODE 12 = Lower limit estimate based on [NO] LOD value |
13+nv+nc or nh + 1 |
Data Rec 1 |
265, 63463, 114, 7, 49.2, 15.2, 1220, 46, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, -999.9, 0, 0, 0 |
nh + 2 |
Data Rec 2 |
265, 63553, 126, 7.3, -888.8, -888.8, 1160, 45, -999.9, -999.9, 35.8, 17.9, -999.9, -999.9, 0, 2, 0, |
nh +3 |
Data Rec3 |
265, 63643, 132, 7.7, -888.8, -888.8, 1340, 50, -999.9, -999.9, 37.2, 18.6, -999.9, -999.9, 0, 2, 0, |
FIGURE 2 : Header Sample Description 2
Standard Grab Sample : Start/Stop/Midpoint Time
Record | Explanation | Sample Data Record |
1 |
NH |
30 |
2 |
FileName |
3 |
Experimenter name, Instit. |
Talbot , Robert , University of New Hampshire |
4 |
Species |
5 |
Expedition |
6 |
Flt Date, Rev Date |
92, 9 , 21, 93, 4, 30 |
7 |
NF |
3 |
8 |
NV |
7 |
9 |
NC |
11 |
10 |
DT |
2 |
11 |
Avg Period |
0 |
12 |
Samp Freq |
0 |
13 |
Var(1) |
Day, Julian (GMT), 1, 0, 265, 265, -999 ,0 |
13+1 |
Var(2) |
Start Time, Sec (GMT), 1, 0, 56490, 72450, -999, 0 |
13+2 |
Var(3) |
Stop Time, Sec (GMT), 1, 0, 57303 ,72935, -999, 0 |
13+3 |
Var(4) |
Sample Midpoint, Sec (GMT), 1, 0, 56897 ,72693, -999 ,0 |
13+4 |
Var(5) |
HNO3, pptv , 1, 0 ,26, 195, -999, 2 -888, 5, -777, -999 |
13+5 |
Var(6) |
HCOOH, pptv, 1 , 0,649, 2668, -99, 2 ,-88, 10 , -77, -99 |
13+nv-1 |
Var(nv) |
CH3COOH, pptv, 1, 0 ,202, 649, -99, 2, -888, 15, -777, -999 |
13+nv |
Comment 1 |
Comment 2 |
LIMITS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 5 pptv HNO3, 10 pptv HCOOH, 15 pptv CH3COOH |
13+nv+nc-1 |
Comment nc |
PHONE: 603-862-1546, FAX: 603-862-0188, E-MAIL: R_TALBOT@UNHH.UNH.EDU |
13+nv+nc |
Data Rec 1 |
265, 56490, 57303, 56897, -888, 649, 280 |
Data Rec 2 |
265, 57569, 58410, 57990, 46, 776, 381 |
Figure 3: Header Sample Description 3
Vertical Column Sample : Variable Number Sampling Points
(DIAL Datasets, etc.)
Record | Explanation | Sample Data Record |
1 |
NH |
27 |
2 |
FileName |
3 |
Experimenter name, Instit. |
Browell, Dr. Edward V., NASA Langley Research Center |
4 |
Species |
DC-8 IR Zenith Aerosol Relative Backscatter |
5 |
Expedition |
6 |
Flt Date, Rev Date |
92, 9, 21, 93, 6, 4 |
7 |
NF |
3 |
8 |
NV |
9 (NOTE: This dataset type has NV-1 regular variables, and one array variable. The array variable is dimensioned by variable NV-1) |
9 |
NC |
6 |
10 |
DT |
3 |
11 |
Avg Period |
0 |
12 |
Samp Freq |
.0168 (Data recorded at 59.5 seconds) |
13 |
Var(1) |
Day, Julian (GMT), 1 ,0, 265, 266, -999, 0 |
13+1 |
Var(2) |
Start Time, Sec (GMT), 1, 0, 67386, 86400, -999, 0 |
13+2 |
Var(3) |
Geometric altitude of aircraft, (m), 1, 0, 9398, 12939, -9999, 0 |
13+3 |
Var(4) |
Geometric altitude at which data begins, (m), 1, 0, 9998,12576, -9999, 0 |
13+4 |
Var(5) |
Altitude increment , (m), 1, 0,450, 450, -9999, 0 |
13+5 |
Var(6) |
Latitude, ( +N degrees), .01, 0, -9000, 9000, -9999,0 |
13+6 |
Var(7) |
Longitude, ( +E degrees),.01, 0, -18000, 18000, -99999,0 |
Var(nv-1) |
Number of data values, #, 1, 0, 0, 100, -99,0 |
13+nv-1 |
Var(nv) |
Relative aerosol backscatter profile, , 1, 0,-50000,50000,-99999,0 |
13+nv |
Comment 1 |
Final Reduced Resolution Archive of IR Aerosol Lidar Data -Vertical sampling interval is |
Comment 2 |
450 meters. Horizontal sampling interval is 59.5 seconds (approximately 14 kilometers). |
Comment 3 |
Number of lines per reporting interval variable due to nature of data. Number of data |
Comment 4 |
points in profile located in variable NV-1 (Variable 8). Read through variable 8, then read |
13+nv+nc-1 |
Comment nc |
variable 9 which is an array with 1 to (variable 8) elements. |
13+nv+nc |
Data Rec 1 |
265, 67386, 9397, 9997 , 450 , 2935 , -9342, 0 |
13+nh+1 |
Data Rec 2 |
265, 67454 , 9398, 9998, 450, 2934 , -9325, 44, 2052, 2547, 2580, 2511, 2340, 1804, 9494, 2580, 1625, 2602, 1775, 1809, 1789, 2864, 1853, 7281, 9107, 13225, 12607, 11518, 11493, 8504, 3184, 1067, 5842, 7404, 2391, 6119, -528, 66, 5435, 3422 , 927, -3807, -7678, -3190, -9880, 13053, -1852, 1109, 5371, -9696, 5140, -3300 |
15+nh+2 |
Data Rec 3 |
265, 67515, 9400, 10000, 450, 2934, -9310, 44, 2034, 2620, 2499, 2482, 2194, 2087, 17791, 2389, 1372, 2117, 1273, 2036, 2883, 1611, 3915, 5565, 7568, 11035, 9493, 14609, 7538, 7979, 7112, 6753, 8772, 4974, 6670, 3325, 2622, 2405, 2017, -113 , 3130, 2660, 5135, -7359, -1037, 5070, -3471, 3462, 12667, -1378, 17117, -5156 |
Figure 4: Header Sample Description 4
Vertical Column Sample : Standard Sonde Data
(Ozonesondes, Rawinsondes, etc.)
Record | Explanation | Sample Data Record |
1 |
NH |
31 |
2 |
FileName |
3 |
Experimenter name, Instit. |
4 |
Species |
5 |
Expedition |
6 |
Flt Date, Rev Date |
90, 07, 28, 93, 05, 28 |
7 |
NF |
1 |
8 |
NV |
11 |
9 |
NC |
8 |
10 |
DT |
4 |
11 |
Avg Period |
0 |
12 |
Samp Freq |
0 |
13 |
Var(1) |
Day, Julian (GMT), 1, 0, 209, 209, -999, 0 |
14 |
Var(2) |
Start Time, Sec (GMT),1, 0, 67920, 74640, -999, 0 |
15 |
Var(3) |
PRESSURE, (hPA) ,1, 0, 8.2, 1009.9,-999.9,0 |
16 |
Var(4) |
ALTITUDE , (m) , 1, 0,91,32925,-9999,0 |
17 |
Var(5) |
PARTIAL PRESSURE OZONE, (nb), 1, 0, 10.3, 151.8, -9.9,0 |
18 |
Var(6) |
CUMULATIVE INTEGRATED OZONE ,(at-cm),1, 0, 0, .2248,-9.99999,0 |
19 |
Var(7) |
TEMPERATURE , (deg K), 1, 0, 119.4, 297.5, -999.9, 0 |
20 |
Var(8) |
OZONE NUMBERS DENSITY, , 1, 0, 3.6E11, 4.8E12 , -999.9, 0 |
21 |
Var(9) |
DEW POINT TEMPERATURE , (deg K) , 1, 0, 195.8, 289.4, -999.9, 0 |
22 |
Var(10) |
OZONE, (ppbv), 1, 0, 35.87, 7904.73, -999.99, 0 |
23 |
Var(nv) |
RELATIVE HUMIDITY, (%) , 1, 0, 13.14, 87.66, -999.99, 0 |
24 |
Comment 1 |
25 |
Comment 2 |
26 |
Comment 3 |
27 |
Comment 4 |
28 |
Comment 5 |
29 |
Comment 6 |
30 |
Comment 7 |
31 |
Comment nc |
32 |
Data Rec 1 |
209, 67920, 1009.9, 91, 36.2, 0.00000, 297.5, 8.8178E+11, 288.7, 35.87, 57.98 |
33 |
Data Rec 2 |
209, 67980, 969.0, 452, 35.0, 0.00116, 295.2, 8.5951E+11, 289.2, 36.15, 68.69 |
34 |
Data Rec 3 |
209, 68040, 931.0, 799, 34.8, 0.00227, 291.9, 8.6323E+11, 289.4, 37.37, 85.31 |
Figure 5: Header Sample Description 5
Gridded Dataset
(Fires Gridded data)
Record | Explanation | Sample Data Record |
1 |
NH |
31 |
2 |
FileName |
3 |
Experimenter name, Instit. |
4 |
Species |
5 |
Expedition |
6 |
Flt Date, Rev Date |
92, 10, 30, 93, 06, 06, |
7 |
NF |
09 |
8 |
NV |
11 |
9 |
NC |
8 |
10 |
DT |
5 |
11 |
Avg Period |
0 |
12 |
Samp Freq |
0 |
13 |
Var(1) |
Start Day, Julian (GMT), 1, 0, 283, 283, -99, 0 |
13+1 |
Var(2) |
Start Time, Seconds GMT, 1, 0, -99, -99, -99, 0 |
13+2 |
Var(3) |
Stop Day, Julian (GMT), 1, 0,289, 289, -99, 0 |
13+3 |
Var(4) |
Stop Time, Seconds GMT, 1, 0,-99, -99, -99,0 |
13+4 |
Var(5) |
Start Latitude, Deg North, 1,0, -44.5, -44.5, -999.99,0 |
13+5 |
Var(6) |
Start Longitude, Deg East, 1, 0,-89.75,-89.75,-999.99,0 |
13+6 |
Var(7) |
Latitude Increment, Deg North, 1, 0, 0.5, 0.5, -999.9, 0 |
13+7 |
Var(8) |
Longitude Increment, Deg East, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, -999.9, 0 |
Var(9) |
Number of Rows of Latitude, #, 1, 0, 60, 60, -999, 0 |
Var(10) |
Number of Columns of Longitude, #, 1, 0, 140, 140, -999, 0 |
13+nv-1 |
Var(nv) |
Pixel Count, Number, 1, 0, -40, 521, -120., 0 |
13+nv |
Comment 1 |
Comment 2 |
13+nv+nc-1 |
Comment nc |
13+nv+nc |
Data Rec 1 |
283, -99, 289 , -99 , -44.5, -89.75, .5, 1.0, 60, 140, |
13+nh+1 |
Data Rec 2 |
-120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -40., 8., -40., -40., 2., 48., 1., 44., 132., 178., 70., 30., 33., 71., 64., 188., 1., 500., 121., 90., 43., 24., -40., 17., 479., 37., 63., 120., 115., 199., 217., 56., 46., 51., 24., 55., 107., 41., 13., 11., 28., 1., 3., 103., 92., 63., 35., 44., 67., 34., 3., 40., 6., -40., 5., 2., 2., 6., -40., -40., -40., -40., -40., -40., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120., -120. |
Figure 6: Header Sample Description 6
Trajectory Dataset
(Isentropic and Isobaric Trajectory Data)
Record | Explanation | Sample Data Record |
1 |
NH |
26 |
2 |
FileName |
MJ101d04.PWA |
3 |
Experimenter name, Instit. |
Merrill, John, University of Rhode Island |
4 |
Species |
Isentropic Air Mass Trajectory |
5 |
Expedition |
PEM West-A |
6 |
Flt Date, Rev Date |
91, 09, 16, 94,12,29 |
7 |
NF |
4 |
8 |
NV |
7 |
9 |
NC |
7 |
10 |
DT |
6 |
11 |
Avg Period |
43200 |
12 |
Samp Freq |
21 |
13 |
Var(1) |
Day, Julian (GMT), 1, 0,259, 260, -999, 0 |
13+1 |
Var(2) |
Time, Sec (GMT), 1, 0, 64740, 22883, -999, 0 |
13+2 |
Var(3) |
Potential Temperature, Kelvin, 1, 0, 302, 343, -999, 0 |
13+3 |
Var(4) |
Latitude, Degrees North, 1, 0, 14.2, 66.2, -99.9, 0 |
13+4 |
Var(5) |
Longitude, Degrees East, 1, 0, -179.8, 179.7, -999.9, 0 |
13+5 |
Var(6) |
Pressure, hPa (same as milibars), 1, 0, 213, 864, -999, 0 |
13+6 |
Var(7) |
Height, meters above sea level, 1, 0, 1445, 11452, -9999, 0 |
13+nv |
Comment 1 |
This and every trajectory is described in 21 data lines. The first line |
13+nv+1 |
Comment 2 |
is the trajectory end point, corresponding to a selected aircraft time |
13+nv+2 |
Comment 3 |
time and position. Each following line is the trajectory's position |
13+nv+3 |
Comment 4 |
on the previous time step. Time steps prior to the start time are all |
13+nv+nc-1 |
Comment nc |
at 0000 and 1200 GMT. For each trajectory read 21 data lines |
13+nv+nc or nh + 1 |
Data Rec 1 |
259, 64740, 335, 42.4,-126.0, 285, 10076 *(NOTE: Time here is the actual time during the flight, referred to as the trajectory end point) |
nh + 2 |
Data Rec 2 |
259, 43200, 335, 43.1,-127.8, 279, 10217 *(NOTE: This time is the next even increment of the Averaging Period in Header Line 11) |
nh + 3 |
Data Rec 3 |
259, 0, 335, 40.7,-131.7, 285, 10046 |
nh + 4 |
Data Rec 4 |
258, 43200, 335, 32.9,-134.1, 279, 10086 |
nh + 5 |
Data Rec 5 |
258, 0, 335, 24.1,-137.8, 330, 8991 |
nh + 6 |
Data Rec 6 |
257, 43200, 335, 20.1,-143.0, 411, 7358 |
nh + 7 |
Data Rec 7 |
257, 0, 335, 19.3,-146.6, 442, 6847 |
nh + 8 |
Data Rec 8 |
256, 43200, 335, 20.1,-150.5, 435, 6962 |
nh + 9 |
Data Rec 9 |
256, 0, 335, 22.1,-153.8, 422, 7205 |
nh + 21 |
Data Rec 21 |
250, 0, 335, 33.6,-145.2, 305, 9581 |
nh +22 |
Data Rec22 |
259, 67680, 334, 46.6,-131.5, 285, 10039 *(NOTE: This record is the second Trajectory End Point . 20 more data lines follow.) |
V. FTP Protocol for GTE Data Exchange
DATA ARCHIVE MEMO: FTP File Transfer to/from the GTE Archives
The GTE Data Archive datasets are now located on ANONYMOUS FTP site at
located at NASA Langley and accessible 24 hours a day.
The GTE Archive can also be accessed through the GTE Web site at (Data Archive link). Type the quoted (" ")
commands to login and access the various on-line files. Note that you can
now submit your data files via FTP. Follow the instructions given below to
login and transfer files to/from the GTE Archives. NOTE: The proprietary
archives (those not yet released to the public) are "password"
protected from being read by the public. The protected data is accessible
to the science team only using FTP protocol. Contact us at the E-mail
address listed below for more information on accessing the protected data.
1) Access via FTP the GTE Archives computer "". If this name is not
on your host table, address the computer using the IP address of
2) Login using "anonymous" as your name.
3) Enter your actual E-mail address as your password. Note: your E-mail address will be logged and
used to distribute any updates on the data that has been accessed.
4) "cd pub" to change directories to the public directory. (UNIX is case sensitive - use lower
case for all commands. Our GTE main directories are in
all caps, although subdirectories may be in either.
5) Change to the directory of the GTE Expedition archive files of interest. For example, "cd
6) "ls" to list the files and/or sub-directories in this directory. NOTE: The GTE Archives have the following long directory structure:
PLEASE NOTE: not all Expeditions have "Sub-categories" and most Investigators do not have a "Species" sub-directory.
7) Assuming you changed directories to PEMWESTA, you can now change to the
subdirectory of interest. For example, "cd dc-8/heikes.uri" will put you in the DC-8 aircraft
subdirectory, and then to the investigator heikes.uri subdirectory. You can now access
files in that subdirectory. FTP only allows you to retrieve files in one subdirectory at a
time, thus type "cd .." to return to the parent directory if you desire to view the
subdirectory containing files of another investigator.
8) Select the local drive and directory on your machine to receive the data. Useful
"drive x:" to change the local drive to "x:"
"lcd xxxxx" to change the local directory to "xxxxx"
"ldir" to get a directory listing of the local drive
"help" to get a complete listing of the FTP commands on your machine. Your
actual commands may differ slightly from these.
9) The command "mget *.*" will get all files in the subdirectory.
10) "cd .." to transfer to the parent
directory: return to (7) to repeat the process
To submit data to the Archive, you must have access to
the "password" protected FTP site. Again, please contact us at
the E-mail address listed below for more information to access this
protected site. Assuming you have successfully logged on to the FTP site:
11) Change directories to "incoming" (path = pub/incoming). Useful change directory
commands include: "cd .." to change to the parent directory and "cd /" to change to the
root directory.
12) Change to the appropriate subdirectory: "cd TRACEA" to send GTE TRACE-A files.
13) Create a subdirectory for your files if one does not already exist. Use your name and
institution to name the subdirectory. For example, "mkdir bradshaw.git" will create a
subdirectory for files from the John Bradshaw investigation team of Georgia Tech.
14) Use the commands of (8) to go to your local drive and directory where the files to be
transferred are stored.
15) Transfer the files to the "incoming" directory with one of the following commands:
"put filename" To transfer one file from your machine to "incoming". You will be
prompted to enter the foreign file name.
"mput *.*" To transfer all files in your host directory and keep same names.
"mput gt*.* To transfer all files beginning with "gt" in your host directory.
16) Log off the system. "quit"
17) Contact the GTE Data Manager (use E-mail if possible) and describe the action you have
taken. Provide a list of files transferred and the directory path on the FTP site that was
GTE Data Manager
phone: (757)864-5838
fax: (757)864-5841
TABLE 1. Principal Investigator Codes
Principal Investigator |
Institution |
PI Code |
AKIMOTO, H. | Nat. Inst. for Environmental Studies |
AH |
ANDERSON, B. E. | NASA Langley Research Center |
AB |
ANDREAE, M. O. | Max Planck Institute for Chemistry |
MA |
ARIMOTO, R. | Univ. of Rhode Island |
AR |
EA |
BANDY, A. R.,THORNTON, D. | Drexel University |
DU |
BARRICK, J. D. W. | NASA Langley Research Center |
PO |
BG |
BRADSHAW, J. | Georgia Inst. Of Technology |
BJ |
BROWELL, E. V. | NASA Langley Research Center |
BE |
CARMICHAEL, G. R. | University of Iowa |
UI |
CARROLL, M.A. | University of Michigan |
MC |
CHAMEIDES, W. L. | Georgia Inst. of Technology |
CW |
CHATFIELD, R. | NASA Ames Research Center |
CR |
CLARKE, T. | University of Hawaii |
TC |
DAVIS, D. | Georgia Inst. of Technology |
DD |
EISELE, F. | Georgia Inst. of Technology |
FE |
FISHMAN, J. | NASA Langley Research Center |
FJ |
SU |
FUELBERG, H. | Florida State University |
FS |
GARSTANG, M. | Simpson Weather Associates |
MG |
GREGORY, G. L. | NASA Langley Research Center |
GG |
GTE PROJECT OFFICE | NASA Langley Research Center |
PO |
HEIKES, B. | Univ. of Rhode Island |
HB |
HUEBERT, B | University of Hawaii |
HU |
JAFFEE, D. | Univ. of Alaska |
JD |
KELLY, K. | NOAA Aeronomy Lab. |
KK |
KV |
KITADA, T. | Toyohashi University, Japan |
TU |
KONDO, Y. | Nagoya University, Japan |
NG |
LAM, K. S. | Hong Kong Polytechnic |
HK |
DL |
LIU, C. M. | National Taiwan University |
LM |
LIU, S. C., McKEEN, S. | NOAA Aeronomy Lab. |
LS |
MERRILL, J. | Univ. of Rhode Island |
MJ |
MISSION MANAGER LOGS | NASA Ames Research Center |
MM |
NGANGA, D. | University of Ngouabi |
UN |
NC |
DN |
SO |
PARK, J. K. | Korean Inst. of Science and Tech. |
KI |
PROSPERO, J. M. | Univ. Miami |
UM |
PUESCHEL, R. | NASA Ames Research Center |
PR |
RASSMUSSEN, R. | Oregon Graduate School |
RR |
NR |
RITTER, J. | NASA Langley Research Center |
TM |
RODGERS, M. | Georgia Institute of Technology |
RM |
RODRIGUEZ, J. | Atmos. & Environ. Research, Inc. |
RJ |
ROWLAND, F. S., BLAKE, D. | Univ. California - Irvine (UCI) |
UC |
SACHSE, G. W. | NASA Langley Research Center |
SG |
SAKAMAKI, F. | Nat. Inst. for Environmental Studies, Japan |
SF |
SA |
RS |
SINGH, H. B. | NASA Ames Research Center |
SH |
TALBOT, R. W. | University of New Hampshire |
NH |
TORRES, A. | NASA Wallops Flight Facility |
TA |
WOFSY, S. | Harvard University |
SW, HU |
ZHOU, X. | Academy of Meteorological Science
Peoples Republic of China |
AM |
ZP |
GTE Expedition |
Expedition Location |
3-Digit Code |
CITE 1 1983 |
Wallops Island, VA |
CITE 1 1983 |
Hawaii |
CITE 1 1984 |
Eastern North Pacific---off the California coast |
ABLE 1 1984 |
Barbados, French Guyana |
AB1 |
ABLE 2A 1985 |
Amazon Basin |
A2A |
CITE 2 1986 |
Western USA |
CT2 |
ABLE 2B 1987 |
Amazon Basin |
A2B |
ABLE 3A 1988 |
Alaska---Barrow, Bethel |
A3A |
CITE 3 1989 |
Western North Atlantic - off Virginia Coast Western South Atlantic - off Brazil coast |
CT3 |
ABLE 3B 1990 |
North Bay, Ontario - Goose Bay, Labrador |
A3B |
PEM-West A 1991 |
Western North Pacific Rim |
TRACE A 1992 |
Brazil, South Atlantic, southwest Africa |
PEM-West B 1994 |
Western North Pacific Rim |
PEM Tropics A 1996 |
South Pacific |
PEM Tropics B 1999 |
South Pacific |