Introductory Remarks
The Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE) is a continuing field
measurement component of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's
(NASA's) Tropospheric Chemistry Program. As part of GTE, the Transport
and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P) mission was conducted over
the western Pacific Ocean from February - April 2001. These data plots
contain a selected subset of the GTE/TRACE-P Project data and data acquired
by investigator instruments recorded onboard the NASA
Dryden Flight Research
Center DC-8 aircraft and the Wallops Flight Facility P-3B aircraft during
the TRACE-P mission. This presentation of data is not intended to
support original research/analyses, but should assist in identifying
data that are of interest. Hardcopy documents are available in two
volumes. Volume one contains the presentation of data for the DC-8
aircraft and Volume two contains a similar presentation for the P-3B
aircraft. Contact information to obtain hardcopy volumes follows at
the end of these remarks.
Abscissa time scales for a given flight are identical. Ordinate
scales for most flight and species are selected by the plotting
software. In a few cases, however, ordinate scales are selected
manually to best represent that data measured for a specie during the
flight; some data may be off-scale. In such a case, the max or min of
the data clipped are provided. As a result of the software used for
the plots and the data archive use of codes (in place of valid data) for
data taken (1) during instrument calibration, (2) when measurements were at
"detection limit" and/or (3) when measurements are invalid, it is
sometimes difficult to distinguish from the plots if data are
off-scale or have been coded as invalid. For example, a symbol without
an attached line may either mean that adjacent data are off-scale or have
been coded as invalid. Inspection of the other plotted data often
provides information which may resolve the uncertainty.
In order to maintain the standardized format, plots for flights in which
a specie data are not available are plotted with the axes and a "NO
DATA" entry. Please note that the label "NO DATA" is
used whether final data (1) is not now available and may be available
later or (2) may never be available for a flight. A parameter
was not selected for plotting if it was known that it would never be
available for any flight.
GMT time has been plotted with a continuous numerical scale beyond 24
hours to conform to the available plotting routine. GMT midnight is
always 24 hours.
Additional supporting data products available from the GTE Data Management
Office include:
- TRACE-P Expedition Plan - An overview of the scientific
objectives, experiment design, and data management plan for the field
- Videotapes from each flight - Forward-looking and nadir view
videotapes are available from both the DC-8 and the P-3B aircraft.
Tapes with quad images are also available for the DC-8 (forward, nadir,
weather radar, stormscope) and the P-3B (forward +10o,
forward -10o, nadir, stormscope).
- Ozonesonde data - Correlative measurements from the following sites are
available from pre-expedition through spring 2002 at a rate of once per
week. Trinidad Head, California; Hilo, Hawaii; Cheju Island, Korea;
Sapporo, Tsukuba (Tateno), Naha, and Kagoshima, Japan; Hong Kong; and Taipei, Taiwan.
TRACE-P meteorological products available are:
- Synoptic
Overview - Brief meteorological discussions of each DC-8 and P-3B
flight mission, including streamlines, profiles and satellite imagery.
- Airmass
trajectories - Five-day back trajectories for each flight.
- Satellite
Imagery - A collection of GOES 8, GOES 10, and GMS images are
available for the TRACE-P period. Images corresponding to each
flight with the aircraft flight tracks superimposed are included in the
data archive.
This is a product of the Langley GTE Data Archive Office. Inquiries
about products available from the GTE Data Archive should be addressed to:
NASA GTE Data Manager
Mail Stop 483
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, VA 23681-2199
ATTN: Clyde Brown
Phone: (757) 864-5839
Fax: (757) 864-7790
NASA Official:
Last Updated 06/20/2014 |