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NASA Tropospheric Chemistry Integrated Data Ceneter

P3-B Photo Gallery

P3-B Photo

Wallops Flight Facilty P3-B

Wallops Group Photo

Group beside Wallops P3-B


Ali Aknan, the GTE Project Data Manager, and Doug Davis, the P-3B Mission Scientist, discuss the real time display capabilities of the project data
system during the transit flight from Wallops Flight Facility to Dryden Flight Research Center

Don Thornton

Don Thornton, from Drexell University, operating instrumentation for measuring SO2 and DMS

Jack Dibb

Jack Dibb, form the University of New Hampshire, conducting measurements of aerosol composition, HNO3, and other acidic gases

Jim Plant/Bruce Anderson

Jim Plant and Bruce Anderson, both from Langley Research Center, monitor the performance of instrumentation to measure O3 and the u,v, and w
components of the wind relative to the aircraft

Brain Ridley/Jim Walega

Brian Ridley and Jim Walega, of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, at their instrument for measuring NO, NO2, and O3

Fred Eisele

Ed Kosciuch, from the National Center for Atmospheric Research, performs tests on instrumentation for measurements of SIC/MS/OH, H2SO4,
MSA, DMSO, and NH3

Glen Sachse

Glen Sachse, from the Langley Research Center, monitors performance of instumentation for measurements of CO, CO2, and CH4

Ken Moore

Ken Moore, from the University of Hawaii, monitors performance of instumentation to measure characteristics of aerosols


Rodney Weber (left), Georgia Tech, discusses operation of instruments for measurements of aerosols, Jim Walega (center), from National Center for Atmospheric Research, checks overhead monitor for positions of aircraft, and Fred Eisele (right), National Center for Atmospheric Research,
monitors instrumentation for measurements of SIC/MS/OH, H2SO4, MSA, DMSO, and NH3


Jim Hoell (left), Project Manager, Langley Research Center, and Auddie Wilison (right), Flight Engineer, Wallops Flight Facility, discuss the proper operation of the aft head


Isobel Simpson (right), from the University of California, Irvine, and Gary Sied (left) from the University of New Hampshire, discuss their respective sampling protocol during a flight

Geroge Postel

George Postel, captain of the P-3B, prepares to enjoy one of the many gourmet meals available on the P-3B during a lull in his duties

Fred Eisele

Fred Eisele, Georgia Institute of Technology, monitoring the performance of the GIT/NCAR CIMS instrument for measuring SIC/MS/OH, H2SO4,
MSA, DMSO, and NH3


Approach to Hilo, Hawaii from the P-3B aircraft. On the left horizon Mauna Loa looms above the clouds covering the island of Hawaii


Reginald Newell, P-3B Mission Meteorologist, and Priscilla Burrow, of the US Naval Academy, discuss a weather image during a flight on the P-3B aircraft.


Doug Davis, P-3B mission scientist, looks on as Reginald Newell, P-3B mission meteorologist, briefs P-3B science team for upcoming local flight from Christmas Island.


P3-B science team in ocean side hut during briefing for local flight from Christmas Island.


A toast to a successful week on Christmas Island.

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space
Curator: Ali Aknan
NASA Official: Dr. Gao Chen

Last Updated 06/20/2014
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